J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 25(3); 2016 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2016;25(3):237-248.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2016.25.3.237    Published online October 26, 2016.
Effects of Ego-resilience Interventions among Children and Adolescents in Korea: A Meta-analysis.
Sun A Jung, Kowoon Lee
Department of Nursing, Suwon Women's University, Suwon, Korea. firstnun@swc.ac.kr
This study was a meta-analysis planned to exam effects of ego-resilience interventions among children and adolescents in Korea. METHODS: Search for relevant articles included several electronic databases and hand-search from article references. Thirteen studies met inclusion criteria from 1,638 studies. Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (version 3) and Review Manager (version 5) were used to analyze effect sizes, investigate possible causes of heterogeneity and check publication bias with a funnel plot and its trim-and-fill analysis. RESULTS: Overall effect size of ego-resilience interventions were medium (Hedges'g=0.66) and medium heterogeneity (I²=54%). Subgroup analysis was performed to estimate causes of heterogeneity. The effect size for normal populations (g=0.70) was larger than for risk populations (g=0.64). Interventions for primary school students (g=0.74) were more effective than interventions for adolescents (g=0.51). Interventions in the community (g=0.72) shown larger effect size than intervention at school (g=0.51). Art therapy (g=0.79) had a better effect than cognitive behavior therapy (g=0.62). Interventions with over 1,000 minutes (g=1.10) and intervention with over 11 sessions (g=1.40) were effective. This study found no significant publication bias. CONCLUSION: Based on current findings, there is obvious evidence that ego-resilience interventions have significant effects in improving ego-resilience among children and adolescents in Korea.
Key Words: Resilience; Intervention; Meta-analysis


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