J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


Instructions to authors

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  • Instructions to authors

  • Enacted in March 1992 and most recently revised in March 2020

Table of Contents


The Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (JKPMHN) is the official journal of The Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. The journal was initially published annually (1992-1993) before transitioning to biannual issuance (1994-1999). Since 2000, the journal began quarterly publication on the last days of March, June, September, and December each year. The official abbreviated title is J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs. Supplementary or special issues may be published. The number of print copies per issue is 350. All or a part of the articles in this journal are indexed in SCOPUS, KoreaMed, KoMCI, KoreaMed Synapse, KCI, CINAHL/EBSCO, DOI/CrossRef, and Google Scholar. The full text is freely available from KoreaMed Synapse and the journal’s own homepage ‘https://www.kpmhn.or.kr/’ (Korean), ‘https://jkpmhn.org’ (English), Publication of the journal is supported by a Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies grant funded by the Korean government (Ministry of Education, Science and Technology; MEST).


Aims: The Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (JKPMHN) aims to improve people's psychiatric health by disseminating research of interest to psychiatric and mental health care nurses. It also provides a venue for clinical scholarship to provide theoretical linkages among diverse practice areas through critical study, expositions, review of practice, and interdisciplinary collaborations.

Scope: The journal focuses on innovations in practice based on development, evaluation, and research. Furthermore, it covers psychiatric and mental health, community mental health, mental disorder, psychiatric and mental nursing education, practice, research, psychosocial nursing interventions, complementary and alternative therapies, and cultural issues. Any related research is acceptable that deals with theory, nursing practice, and applications to all ages or special populations.

Roles: The role of the journal is to become a means of communication among professionals, including nurses and other mental health care workers. Therefore, it can be a repository for ideas, experiences, and findings from evaluation or research and provide a forum for debate on current mental health care issues.


JKPMHN shall be published four times a year (on March 31st, June 30th, September 30th, and December 31st).


Manuscripts can be submitted electronically through the online manuscript management system (http://mhn.medicallove.com). The helpdesk service can help authors with questions involving pre-publication, production, and post-production processes for online submissions. The electronic editorial system is a journal author’s one-stop shop for:

  • • Submitting your papers online
  • • Tracking the status of your submission from decision to publication

Manuscript can be received at any time. Manuscripts that do not follow these instructions to authors may be rejected before review.


1. Theses contributed to this journal shall be prepared while observing the following ethics regulations that are based on the International Standards on Publication Ethics.

2. All authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes, in case of detection. If necessary, the editing committee can request the submission of written consents and approval letters of the ethics committee. Editors use the COPE Flowcharts for following COPE's Code of Conduct and implementing its advice when dealing with cases of suspected misconduct. The journal shall not carry theses that have involved the following unfair practices:

  • 1) Forgery: recording or reporting materials or research outputs that have been falsified.
  • 2) Alteration: manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes and/or changing or omitting materials or research outputs so as to render research records untrue.
  • 3) Plagiarism: appropriating others’ ideas, processes, outputs, or records in an unauthorized manner.

3. All submitted manuscripts should be original and should not be under consideration by other scientific journals for publication.

  • 1) Manuscripts that have been carried by or are being contributed to other academic journals cannot be contributed to this journal and vice versa.
  • 2) It is not allowed for the journal to carry any duplicated theses regardless of whether part or all of them have been published, printed, recorded, and/or registered in an academic journal in other languages, electronically or otherwise.
  • 3) The author can have his/her manuscripts that have been carried in this academic journal be duplicated in other languages only after the editing (or, publishing) committee chiefs of both academic journals have approved such duplication.
  • 4) Whether or not a duplicated thesis is carried shall be decided by the editing committee based on a review of the contents of the manuscripts.

4. No part of the manuscript should be duplicated in any other scientific journal without the permission of the Editorial Board. Duplication will be checked for using the iThenticate software (https://crosscheck.ithenticate.com/) before review.

5. If a duplicate publication related to the papers of this journal is detected, the authors will be announced in the journal and their institutes will be informed, and there will also be penalties for the authors. Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by written permissions for reproduction that have been obtained from the original publisher.
For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in these instructions, International standards for editors and authors (https://publicationethics.org/resources/resources-and-further-reading/international-standards-editors-and-authors) can be applied.

6. For details not specified here, refer to the research and publishing ethics recommended by the Council of Science Editors (CSE, http://www.councilscienceeditors.org), International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE, http://www.icmje.org), and Korean Association of Medical Journal Editors (KAMJE, http://www.kamje.or.kr). For the policies on research and publication ethics according to the KPMHN refer to the following websites: https://www.mhnursing.or.kr/news/?lkind=27(in Korean), For the rules of the editorial board: https://www.mhnursing.or.kr/news/?lkind=41(in Korean), For the rules on the examination of a manuscript : https://www.mhnursing.or.kr/news/?lkind=26(in Korean).

7. Manuscript submission is limited to theses for which the research data collection was conducted within the last five years.


1. According to the International Committee on Medical Journal Ethics (ICMJE), an author is defined as one who has made substantial contributions to the conception and development of a manuscript. Inform a healthcare adheres to the ICMJE guidelines (http://www.icmje.org/) which state that "authorship credit should be based on all of the following: 1) substantial contributions to conception and design of the study, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or advising it critically for important intellectual content; and 3) final approval of the version to be published, and 4) agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. All other contributors should be listed in the acknowledgments".

2. The degree holder must be the first author of the material submitted for publication. For master's theses and doctoral dissertations, only a major professor may be included as a collaborator or corresponding author.

Conflict-of-interest statement

A conflict of interest exists when an author or the author’s institution, a reviewer, or an editor has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence or bias his or her actions. Such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties. These relationships vary from being negligible to having a great potential to influence judgment. Not all relationships represent a true conflict of interest. On the other hand, the potential for a conflict of interest can exist regardless of whether an individual believes that the relationship affects his or her scientific judgment. Financial relationships such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, and paid expert testimony are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest as well as the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, or of the scientific work itself. Conflicts can occur for other reasons as well, such as personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion (http://www.icmje.org/conflicts-of-interest/). If there are any conflicts of interest, the authors should disclose them in the manuscript. Conflicts of interest may occur during the research process as well; it is also important to disclose these. If there is such a disclosure, the editors, reviewers, and reader can approach the manuscript after understanding the situation and the background of the completed research.

Submission and peer review process:

1) Original Papers:These include full papers reporting original research on psychiatric and mental health nursing.

  • 2) Authors qualifications:
  • (1) All authors of paper should be the members of the Korean Psychiatry and Mental Health Nursing, unless they are non-Korean authors.
  • (2) All manuscripts are peer-reviewed by at least 3 anonymous reviewers selected by the editor. The author's name and affiliation are not disclosed during review processto reviewers(double-blind peer review). The corresponding author is notified as soon as possible of the editor’s decision to accept, reject, or request revision of manuscript, and the papers judged to be “post-revision” will be finalized by the editor-in-chief after being reviewed by the editor-in-chief.
  • (3) Whether or not the manuscript will be included will be decided by the editorial committee after the manuscript is reviewed by the reviewers and any manuscript that does not comply with this regulation may be subject to revision or may be put on hold.
  • (4) It is necessary for the author to make supplementary corrections based on the examination content, and the revisions pointed out by the thesis review committee aredescribed item by item and submitted together with the revised manuscript within 14 days. Authors of papers that have been finalized based on the judgment of the editor-in-chief will submit the final version online.
  • (5) The author will make the necessary proofreading to print the article.
  • (6) An additional separate author will be charged for the loading fee, examination fee, and special typesetting if necessary.
  • (7) Payment will be made to the fiscal director of the book.
  • (8) Refer to the separate examination rules for details of the examination of papers.


For unsolicited manuscripts, the corresponding author is requested to pay a part of the publication processing cost. The submission fee is 50,000 Korean Won (variable according to exchange rate for dollars). For publication, the fee is 50,000 Korean Won (variable according to exchange rate for dollars) per page up to 10 pages, and 60,000 Korean Won (variable according to exchange rate for dollars) per each additional page after 10 pages. The reprint cost is free up to 20 copies. Even if authors prefer black and white figures in the print journal, they will be presented in color in the e-journal. The bank account for money transfers is as follows:

Account information
Bank name: KEB Hana Bank
Bank address :028-41, 73, Goryeodae-ro, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Account number : 57691000378938


  • General information
  • 1. Manuscripts should be written in Korean or English with an abstract (200-word maximum) written in English.
  • 2. Authors should remove any self-identifying citations and references.
  • 3. Manuscripts should be no longer than 15 pages in Korean excluding the English abstract, text, bibliography, tables, and figures. In English, the text should be 6,000 words or less, excluding the English abstract, text, bibliography, tables, and figures.
  • 4. The style guidelines are as follows:
    Set margins to 30 mm up, 25 mm down, 25 mm on the left, and 25 mm on the right on A4 paper. Use the Hangul word processor or MS word when writing Korean manuscripts, and use MS word when writing English manuscripts. In the case of the Hangul program, the typeface should be written in a new name, with a 10-point letter size and 200% line spacing. In the case of MS word, The Korean calligraphy should be hy new myeongjo, the letter size should be 10 points, and the line interval should be 1.5 lines, while the English-language typeface should be Times New Roman, the letter size should be 12 points, and the line interval should be two lines.
  • 5. Technical terms shall be cited from the Standard Nursing Terminology Database published by the Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education, and the Medical Terminology Database (5th ed.) maintained by the Korean Medical Association.
  • 6. Only standard abbreviations should be used. For standard abbreviations and units, refer to Citing Medicine: The NLM (National Library of Medicine) Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2007, 2nd ed.) or https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK7256/. For English abbreviations, the first mention should include the entire word followed by its abbreviation in parentheses. However, abbreviations should not be used in paper titles and abstracts.
  • 7. When using parentheses, there should be a space between the parentheses and any English or numeric text. If the parentheses are preceded by Korean or followed by postpositions, no space is needed.
  • 8. As a general rule, the research tools used in the paper should be used with the approval of the creator of the tool.
  • 9. Drugs should be referred to using their generic names (common names). Appliances and equipment shall be mentioned by their model name, manufacturer, city (state), and nationality declared in parentheses. Symbols such as TM and ⓡ, which refer to commodity names, shall not be used unless indispensable.
  • Manuscript composition
  • 1. Manuscripts shall be made up of the front cover, title, English abstract, text, references, tables, and figures, each section of which shall begin on a separate page.
    • 1) The cover page shall comprise the title, research designs, author, correspondent author, other official announcements, and keywords.
      • • Research designs shall comprise the review article, quantitative research, qualitative research, concept analysis, Q methodological research, and meta-analysis.
      • • The authors shall comprise the family names, affiliations, and positions of all the authors, as well as ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) expressed in Korean and English.
      • • The corresponding author should provide the family name, address, postal code, telephone number, FAX number, and e-mail address, as well as ORCID in Korean and English.
      • • Official announcements (additional comments) shall comprise academic degree theses, funding, other conflicts of interest, acknowledgements, and supplementary materials expressed in Korean and English.
      • • Editorial notes should describe (1) a history of publication or submission by other academic societies in the same paper as that submitted to JKPMHN, (2) a history of publication or submission by other academic societies based on the same data as that in the paper submitted to JKPMHN, and (3) differentiation from the preceding research.
      • • Keywords are not to exceed five words and should be written along with corresponding English words if possible.
    • 2) English abstracts shall not exceed 200 words; titles should be on the top and sub-titles such as Purpose, Method, Results, and Conclusion, shall be consecutively described without changing lines. Keywords shall not exceed five words and should be written at the bottom of the abstract by employing, in principle, the terms registered with MeSH (www.nlm.nih.gov/mesh/MBrowser.html).
    • 3) The main text shall comprise the introduction, research method, research results, discussion, conclusion, and references (consisting of no more than 30 items), and considering documents shall only be declared if indispensable. The said composition may be changed in the case of qualitative research.
      • • Introduction: Concisely and clearly describe the rationale and purpose of the research.
      • • Research Method: Describe the research design, subjects, methods, data collection, and data analysis separately under subheadings in this order. Research methods should be described in detail to allow for the possible reproduction of the research. If a well-known research method is used, list the relevant references. If a new or modified method is used, a detailed description is necessary. Research methods should be described in consideration of research ethics. For research that was conducted on humans, authors should confirm the correct use of the words “sex” (when reporting biological factors) and “gender” (when reporting identity, or psychosocial and/or cultural factors), and accordingly report the sex or gender of the study participants. In addition. the research participants should consist of both genders, but if it a study was conducted with an exclusive population, the authors should explain the rationale for determining the study participants and justify the relevance.
      • • Results: Clearly and logically describe the analysis and results. Refrain from repeating the contents of tables or figures, and summarize only important results.
      • • Discussion: The discussion section should be written based on the research results while emphasizing important or new findings. Provide interpretations and potential applications of the research results as well as limitations and suggestions.
      • • Conclusion: Describe the final results and recommendations for future research. Refrain from repeating the research methods or results.
      • • Any financial or personal stakes in this paper must be published. However, if there is no relevant item in the stakeholder section, write this in English. ex) The authors declared no conflict of interest.
      • • Acknowledgment (if necessary): Acknowledge contributions from non-co-authors in English. However, when there is no such information, it should be described as "None".
  • Tables, Figures, and Pictures
  • 1. No more than five tables, figures, and pictures should be used, and their titles and contents should be written in English. The contents of tables and figures should not overlap, and they should be placed on separate pages.
    • • In the case of qualitative studies, when it is judged that the meaning of a table or figure cannot be communicated well in English, it may be described in Korean after the editing committee has examined and approved it.
    • • The contents of tables, figures, and pictures should be easy to understand and should function independently.
  • 2. Principle for preparing tables
    • • All the lines shall be single lines and there shall be no vertical lines.
    • • The title of a table shall be declared with important words, of which the first letter of each shall be capitalized.
      (e.g., Table 1. Overall Responses to Question Types)
    • • Tables shall be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text.
    • • Words whose abbreviations are used in tables or figures should always be defined in a legend at the bottom of the table or figure, even if the words have already appeared in the text. List abbreviations in alphabetical order and do not place “and” before the last abbreviation (e.g. HR=heart rate; T=temperature).
    • • For footnotes in a table, the following symbols should be used in this order: *, †, ‡, §, ¶, #. If the table requires more than six footnotes, use double (e.g. **, ††) symbols. Symbols should be defined in the bottom left corner of the table. However, for the p-value (significance probability), enter the p-value at the time without using footnotes. When the p value is .000 or 1.000, it is expressed as p <.001 or p> .999, respectively. If you need to occasionally present p-values in footnotes, use *, ** (e.g., * p <.05, ** p <.01).
    • • All values should be written with up to two decimal places. However, p (probability of attention) should be entered to three decimal places and percentage (%) should be entered to one decimal place.
    • • For a decimal point, enter "0" before the decimal point if the value can exceed "1", and if the value cannot exceed "1", do not enter “0” before the decimal point.
      Example: t = 0.26, F = 0.92
      Example: p <.001, r = .41, R2 = .61
  • 3. Principles of producing figures and pictures
    • • The title of a figure should be placed under the figure, and only the first letter overall should be capitalized.
      (e.g., Figure 1. Mean responses to questions by student grade categories).
    • • The size of photos shall exceed 102×152mm (4×6 inches) but not exceed 203×254mm (8×10 inches) in any case.
    • • When more than one figure is marked with the same number, the figures shall be expressed with an alphabet letter following the Arabic numeral (e.g., Figure 1-A, Figure 1-B).
    • • For a microscopic photo of a tissue sample, the name, dyeing method, and magnification of the tissue shall be declared.
    • • The symbols used in the graph should be chosen in the order of ●, ■, ▲, ◆, ○, □, △, ◇.
  • Official announcements (additional comments)
  • 1. Acknowledgements: Authors can include acknowledgments of appreciation for those who contributed to the research in the manuscript. If there is nothing to disclose, the following sentence can be used: “None”.
  • 2. If other authors are cited in the same title in the book, number them in citation order.
    Example: stress management [1], nursing intervention [2,3], intensive care nursing [4-6], depression nursing [7-9,11,13]
  • 3. If quoting text in the text, write it in brackets [ ] in the order in which it is quoted.
  • 4. If a thought is quoted in the text, use the same number.
  • 5. If multiple numbers are entered at the same time, separate them using ','. If you enter consecutive numbers, use "-".
    Example: stress management [1], nursing intervention [2,3], intensive care nursing [4-6]
  • Reference Citation & List
  • 1. In-text citations should be numbered consecutively in order of appearance in the text and should be identified by Arabic numerals in square brackets [ ], according to the Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (2007, 2nd. ed.).
  • 2. When multiple references are cited together, use a hyphen to indicate a series of inclusive numbers. Use commas to indicate a series of non-inclusive numbers (e.g. [1], [2,3], [4-6]). If a reference is cited more than once, use the original reference number.
  • 3. If there are one or two authors, include the last name of each author. If there are three or more authors, include only the last name of the first author followed by ‘et al’. (e.g. Kim [1], Kim과 Park [3], Choi 등[5] in Korean text; Kim [1], Kim & Park [3], Choi et al. [5] in English text).

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Editorial Office
Editorial Office 1 Baekseokdaehak-ro, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 31065, Republic of Korea
Fax: +82-41-550-2829    E-mail: rcuty@bu.ac.kr (Editor-in-Chief), yeonnie@korea.ac.kr (Managing Editor)                

Copyright © 2025 by The Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.

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