J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 13(2); 2004 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2004;13(2):200-212.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2004.13.2.200    Published online June 30, 2004.
The Effect of the Middle-School Drinking- Prevention Program for Childrens of Alcoholics
Chung Sook Lee1, Su Jin Kim1, Young Ran Kweon2, Bong Sil Chai3, Soon Bok Jeong4
1Department of Nursing, Chonnam National University Medical School. Chonnam National University Research Institute of Nursing Science
2Center for Hyosarang Adolescent Mental Health, Namgu Gwangu
3Part-Time Lecturer Daubul University
4Mental Health Nurse, Gyvangju Metropolitan City
Correspondence:  Chung Sook Lee, Tel: +82-62-220-4348, Fax: +82-62-227-4009, 
Email: julia4779@hanmail.net
Received: 14 May 2004   • Accepted: 15 June 2004
This study was to examine the effect of the middle-school drinking-prevention program for children of alcoholics and suggest a nursing intervention program designed to help self-esteem, coping strategies, and to emotional/behavior problem for children of alcoholism.
This study was an equivalent control group pre-test and post-test design in quasi-experimental research. The total subjects of this study were 36 children of alcoholics(Exp.l), 41 children of social-drinker(Exp.2) & 40 children of social-drinker(Con.) residing at M-middle School in Gwangju, 117 assigned for the experimental and control group. The experimental group 1 & 2 received the middle-school drinking-prevention program, but the control group did not receive treatment. The data were collected from September, 1, 2003 to December 31, and analysed by x 2 -test, ANCOVA, ANOVA, Using the SPSS 11.0 Program.
In the distribution of middle school students by Parents* drinking problem, social drinker group was 243(87.1%), Alcohol abuse was 29(10.4%) and alcohol dependent was 7(2.5%) among 279 students.-There wasn't significant difference in self-esteem (F=1.275, p= 0.283) by the group. But children of alcoholics was improved in self-esteem. There was a significant difference in coping strategies (F=3.499, p=0.034) by the group(F=6.165, p= 0.003)- There was a significant difference in emotional/behavior problem (F=3.499, p=0.034) by the group.
This middle-school drinking-prevention program will be a more effective improvement of self-esteem & coping strategies and prevention of emotional/behavior problem for children of alcoholics.
Key Words: Middle-school drinking-prevention program; Children of alcoholics; Self-esteem; Coping strategies; Emotional/behavior problem


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