J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 13(4); 2004 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2004;13(4):449-457.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2004.13.4.449    Published online December 31, 2004.
A Study on Rehabilitation Program and Satisfaction for the Mental Health Disorders in the Residential Facilities
Ok Ja Lee1, Hye Suk Kim2
1Professor, Department of Nursing Science, Kongyang University of Korea
2Master of Nursing, The Kongyang University Graduate School of Korea
Correspondence:  Hye Suk Kim, Tel: 82-42-580-8267, 
Email: kallaa@hanmail.net
Received: 30 July 2004   • Accepted: 1 December 2004
This study was investigated to prepare effective rehabilitation programs and vocational rehabilitation plans for inmates of residential facilities for the mental health disorders.
The total number of subjects was 117 and data were analyzed by using frequency analysis, t-test, and ANOVA.
Disease related characteristics of mental health disorders of residential facilities is mostly schizophrenia with 70.1%. The average disease period was 9.45 year(SD=7.73). The decision for residential facilities was made by the self was 41.4%. Period of facility utilization is mean 1,39 year(SD=1.34). Usage of rehabilitation program is more than 70-80%. Daily life technical training was 90.5%, and the family education was 56%. The desire of job rehabilitation of mental health disorders is 96.6%. The reasons for vocational needs showed that 61.9% was economical independence. As for the rehabilitation program satisfaction along a general characteristic, a case satisfaction with an occupation(t=4.08, p<0.01), a case with a family in drug administration(t=-1 .74, p<0.05), a case with family pressure in a oneself entrance decision(t=2.34, p<0.05) was high.
In this study, it was evaluated that inmates in residential facilities for the mental health disorders had active desire for vocational rehabilitation and pursued economical independence. Therefore, the support for housing facilities for the mental health disorders should be expanded nationwide in the aspect of the rehabilitation of the mental health disorders, and the change in the understanding for the disabled should be induced in the society. Also, family therapy programs should be activated and individualized rehabilitation programs should be applied for each disabled person's ability. On the other hand, rehabilitation programs including family members should be considered as a strategy for nursing intervention.
Key Words: Mental health disorders; Residential facilities; Rehabilitation program


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