J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 10(3); 2001 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2001;10(3):376-390.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2001.10.3.376    Published online September 30, 2001.
A Study on the Relationship between Self-Concept and the Mental Health of Nursing Students in Junior College in Some Area
Seung Hee Yang
Dept. of Nursing, Dong-U College
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between self-concept and mental health of nursing students. The subjects for this study were 389 currently enrolled fteshman, sophomore and junior level college- nursing students The instruments used for this study were Rosenbergs Self-esteem Scale(1965), Choi Chung Hoon's Perceptual Orientation Scale (1979) and Mental Health Test modified by Lee(1986). Data were analyzed by use of Descriptive Statistics, t-test, GLMP, Pearson's Correlation Coefficient with SAS v.8.0 Program. Results-1. The mean score of self-concept was 3.73 and the mean score for perception of self was 3.83 showing a slightly higher score for self appraisal of 3.51 2. There was significant difference in perceptual self-concept among the degree of satisfaction in major subjects(F=8.12, P<.0001), the degree of satisfaction in college life(F=6.35, P<.0001) and the level of academic record (r=-.17, P=.OO7). Also there was significant difference in the appraisal of self-concept among the degree of satisfaction in major subjects(F=9.15, P<.0001), the degree of satisfaction in college life(F=8.35, P<.0001) and the level of academic record (r=-14, P=.OO4). 3. The mean score of mental health was 0.97. The mean score of dimension for mental health ranged down in following order: depression 1.35, obsessive-compulsive 1.26, anxiety 1.07, interper sonal sensitivity 0.98, somatization 0.97, psychoticism 0.91, hostility 0.87, paranoid ideation 0.68, phobic anxiety 0.61 4. There was significant difference in the mental health between the degree of satisfaction in major subjects(F=5.33, P = .OO5) and the degree of satisfaction in college life(F=6.66. P = .001). 5. The relationship between self-concept and the mental health of nursing students was negatively correlated(r= -.42. p<.0001). As a result, this study suggests that modifications to the current program would be required to improve self-concept and mental health of nursing students.
Key Words: Nursing student; Self-concept; Mental health


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