J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 10(4); 2001 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2001;10(4):604-614.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2001.10.4.604    Published online December 31, 2001.
The Effects of Ego-state and Life Position of Clinical Nurses on Depression
Sook Lee
RN. PhD. Assistant Prof. Dankook University
This study was aimed to examine the sources of clinical nurses' depression throughout their Ego-state and life position in transactional analysis and their impact upon nurses' levels of depression to find ways to empower their mental well-being for improved nursing care.
The sample consisted of 252 qualified Korean nurses who volunteered to complete Standardized questionnaires, including the Egogram Scale for ego state. Life position Scale for interpersonal type and Zung's Depression Scale(SDS).
The results of this study are as floolws: 1. Egogram was shown the N type with top point of AC. 2. Life position was I-U-. 3. Among the participants, 25,4% had normal, 52.5% had mild. 21.7% had moderate and 0.4% had severe depression. The mean scores was 53.7 that was mild depression. 4. There were significant difference in the level of life position I + according to CP (P = .000) NP(p = .000). A(p = .000), FC(p=.000), and AC(p = .000). The depression scores was affected by A(p= .008). 5. There was a significant relationship between A and depression(r =. -.182, p = .001) AC and depression(r = .157, p = .043).
This study suggests that a replicate study is needed. The results are also is useful in developing nurses's mental health promotion progiams.
Key Words: Self; Ego-state; Personality; Life position; Depression; Nurses


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