Effects of Stepwise Combined Biofeedback Training on Attention and Self-control of High School Students Based on the Reflection and Reflexion Model
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To investigate effects of a stepwise combined biofeedback training program (SCBT) including physiological response-focused training and brainwave change-focused training based on the Reflection and Reflexion model on attention and self-control of male high school students.
This research employed a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. A total of 54 students from two cities in South Korea were divided into experimental, comparison, and control groups. The training consisted of ten sessions over five weeks. The experimental group participated in the SCBT, while the comparison group only engaged in physiological response-focused training. Physiological attention rate and span were used in this study to quantify attention. These measures were calculated using physiological responses. Self-control was assessed using a self-report questionnaire and changes of brainwaves in the experimental group. Data were analyzed using the statistical software SPSS/WIN 25.0.
Physiological attention rate, physiological attention span, and self-control scores were significantly different across the three groups. Furthermore, in the experimental group, there was a significant increase in the mean amplitude of the alpha and SMR wave while high-beta waves exhibited a notable drop.
The present study reveals that the SCBT can serve as a distinct nursing intervention to enhance attention and self-control among high school students.
Adolescence is a transitional phase, moving from school age to adulthood, marked by manifold physiological and psychological bewilderments typically referred to as a turbulent period. During adolescence, the brain undergoes structural and functional changes, such as the pruning of unnecessary synapses, making it unstable [1]. The limbic system, which is responsible for emotions and motivation, develops before adolescence and becomes highly active during adolescence [2]. In contrast, the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for cognitive control, develops more slowly, and its growth continues into early adulthood [3]. Consequently, adolescents often display characteristic emotional and behavioral patterns influenced by emotions and rewards rather than judgments based on values and goals, leading to difficulties in self-control [1,2].
Attention is generally a neurophysiological brain function that impacts behavior [4]. Attention is a brain function crucial for inducing information processing to select and classify necessary resources from various external stimuli [5,6]. The mental effort involved in selecting, maintaining, and switching attention during the process of focusing attention is an essential factor in adolescent learning and requires stringent self-control [5,7]. When adolescents are repeatedly trained to focus on new information attentively, choose behaviors accordingly, and combine this action with motivation, thereby receiving immediate rewards, the basal ganglia adapts this process to form a habit. The prefrontal cortex is activated to enable continuous self-control for sustained goal pursuit and to maintain the learned behavior [2].
Self-control in adolescents is an internal skill of decision-making that involves analyzing and integrating one’s emotions, cognition, and behaviors to select and adjust socially acceptable means toward achieving one’s desires. It is a developmental process of growing to maturity and important because it affects social adaptation, academic achievement, and emotional stability [8]. Adolescents engaging in negative behaviors and repeatedly failing to control their impulsivity because of the difficulty of self-control can lead to habitual behaviors, resulting in negative and problematic behavioral outcomes [8,9]. This situation underscores the importance of providing adolescents with practical nursing interventions designed to enhance their ability to focus attention and reinforce self-control.
The attention and self-control of high school students can reportedly be improved through brain training [8]. Although self-control brain training that considers the brain development of late adolescents is being conducted globally [3], South Korea primarily practices interventions centering on meditation, acceptance-commitment therapy, and cognitive-behavioral therapy to enhance attention and self-control [5,10]. However, research on brain training interventions for brain development is lacking. In particularly, the increase in sex hormones and brain development during adolescence can cause psychological imbalances, affecting behavior and leading to sex differences [1,3,11]. Previous studies have demonstrated that male adolescents have lower self-control scores [11] and higher impulsivity, engaging in more negative problem behaviors compared to females [12]. However, research focusing on male high school students is lacking. Moreover, even though changes in the brain’s neural network, such as the reduction of gray matter, occur after around age 12 between preadolescence and adolescence for males [1], research has been conducted mostly on elementary and middle school students and rarely on high school students. This lack of research on high school students is primarily because of their time constraints under the current education system centered around college entrance exams. This study aims to identify the effects of brain training on the attention and self-control of male high school students to bridge this research gap.
Biofeedback is a training method that focuses on an individual’s physiological responses and enables them to voluntarily control them to normalize abnormal biometric indicators displayed on a computer monitor. This approach allows for active regulation and maintenance of ideal psychological and physiological responses [13]. There are multiple types of biofeedback, including respiration, temperature, heart rate variability (HRV), blood pressure, electrodermal response (EDR), electrodermal potentials (EDP), surface electromyography (EMG), and neurofeedback. While other types of biofeedback focus on physiological responses, neurofeedback focuses on brainwave changes [14]. Neurofeedback, a brainwave change-focused biofeedback, is a brain function improvement program that can change brain activity states by controlling selective brainwaves through repetitive training [15,16]. This training can rectify abnormal brainwaves [9,15,17]; when applied to normal individuals, it can serve as brainwave control training to enhance cognitive functions [16]. This study conducted two-step biofeedback training based on the Reflection and Reflexion model [18] for self-control. This stepwise combined biofeedback training (SCBT) allows for repetitive learning focused first on physiological responses to attention and then on brainwaves. Moreover, it reconfigures the networking of the body and brain by providing real-time visual and auditory feedback on changes in the physiological responses and brainwaves, improving the ability to exercise self-control and sustain attention [19].
Previous nursing studies that have applied brain training have primarily focused on either attention or self-control among adolescents. These studies have observed changes in variables such as stress and creativity or have provided biofeedback training centering on physiological responses or neurofeedback training focused on brainwave changes as a single intervention [9,19]. However, nursing intervention studies that conduct biofeedback training, combining systematic and stepwise strategies to enhance attention and self-control abilities, are needed considering the brain development of high school students.
Hence, this study aims to provide male high school students with physiological response-focused biofeedback and brainwave change-focused biofeedback training in a stepwise combined manner based on the “Reflection and Reflexion” model [18] and to verify its effects on attention and self-control. This study seeks to provide academic evidence for the feasibility of using the SCBT as an independent nursing intervention considering adolescents’ brain development.
1. Conceptual Framework
The SCBT was structured based on the “Reflection and Reflexion” model proposed by Lieberman, Gaunt, Gilbert, and Trope (Figure 1). The Reflection and Reflexion model explains self-regulation through a neuroscience approach by defining the functions of the active and deliberate reflective system (C-system) and the automatic and unconscious reflexive system (X-system) [18]. Psychologists refer to the C-system as a control process and the X-system as the automatic process. The X-system operates automatically and habitually and works based on pattern-matching of incoming data. However, when incoming data does not respond as usual, posing a problem with the operation of the X-system, a state of alarm sets in, after which the C-system becomes operational. If this situation repeats, the coping response gradually transitions from the C-system to the X-system, becoming automatic and habitual. Both systems have functional independence but are interdependently complementary, as dictated by the situation [14,18].
Participants in the SCBT attempt to solve new tasks presented during training using their existing strategies for sustained attention. However, they experience difficulties solving these tasks. During this process, failure to receive the expected rewards triggers a state of tension (Alarm state), which activates the reflective system (C-system) to alleviate tension, obtain the expected rewards, and transition to pondering new coping strategies. The response information learned in the C-system involves psychophysiological processes, such as increasing attention rates and attention spans through visual and auditory feedback. These new coping strategies, drawn out through the deliberate direction of the biological signal responses in the C-system, help mitigate the tension induced by the alarm state. As a result, new behaviors are triggered in the X-system based on these values [14]. Theoretically, the X-system is instantiated in the lateral temporal cortex, basal ganglia, and amygdala, and the C-system is instantiated in the anterior cingulate, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus [18]. Therefore, this can extend to autonomic and central nervous system functions [20]. Consequently, the repetitive training conducted in the Reflection and Reflexion model activates the frontal lobe of the brain, which is necessary for attention and self-control abilities, to voluntarily adjust existing involuntary responses to a better level, thereby forming a new X-system [14].
2. Research Hypotheses
• Hypotheses 1. The experimental group exposed to the SCBT will exhibit differences in changes in attention post-intervention compared to the comparison and control groups.
• Hypotheses 1-1. The experimental group will exhibit differences in changes in the physiological attention rate before and after the intervention compared to the comparison and control groups.
• Hypotheses 1-2. The experimental group will exhibit differences in changes in physiological attention span before and after the intervention compared to the comparison and control groups.
• Hypotheses 2. The experimental group exposed to the SCBT will exhibit differences in changes in self-control post-intervention compared to the comparison and control groups.
• Hypotheses 3. The experimental group exposed to the SCBT will exhibit differences in changes in brainwaves after the intervention in the brainwave change-focused biofeedback.
1. Study Design
This research employed a non-equivalent control-group pretest-posttest design to test the effects of SCBT. It compares the pre- and post-intervention effects of the experimental, comparison, and control groups. The experimental group received the SCBT, including physiological response-focused biofeedback and brainwave change-focused biofeedback. The comparison group received solely physiological response-focused biofeedback. The control group received no intervention during the study period but received education on attention and self-control upon completion.
2. Participants
This study was conducted in three high schools in two cities in South Korea (M City and Y City), where the school principals, health teachers or counselors, homeroom teachers, parents, and students agreed to participate. Due to a request of these schools, third-year students preparing for college entrance exams were excluded from participation. The information sheet and informed consent form were provided only those students, whose homeroom teachers agreed to cooperate. The following exclusion criteria were applied to minimize external factors affecting the intervention’s effectiveness: (1) Students who were already participating in biofeedback training at other institutions; (2) Those with a history of brain-related illnesses or surgeries; (3) Those receiving psychiatric treatment or drug or nondrug interventions for symptoms related to the variables of this study; and (4) Left-handed students. Only right-handed students were included, relying on the finding of a previous study [21] that brain activities, brainwaves, emotional structure, and individual perceptions of emotions may differ depending on whether a person primarily uses their right or left hand. Additionally, a previous study revealed that a person's brainwaves differed based on their handedness when viewing motor imagery [22].
The G.power 3.1.6 program was used to determine the sample size. Considering the three-group pre-post repeated measurement study design, the minimum sample size required for ANOVA was calculated. The effect size and power were set to .89 and .80, respectively, based on a previous study [15] that conducted a meta-analysis at a significance level (⍺) of .05. As a result, a minimum of 15 participants per group was required. Students who expressed their intention to withdraw during the study were immediately excluded. Those who missed even one out of the ten sessions because of sick leave, absenteeism, school event preparation participation, club activities, or other reasons were provided with the intervention according to the original schedule. However, their data were excluded from the final analysis. Although they expressed their willingness to participate, students from school C who found it difficult to complete all 10 sessions because of a schoolwide schedule were assigned to the control group. Students from the remaining two schools were randomly assigned to the experimental and comparison groups by class. Data from students who provided unreliable answers or missed measurements in the pretest, posttest, or both were excluded. Ultimately, the results were analyzed with 18 participants in each group, totaling 54 participants (Figure 2).
3. Stepwise Combined Biofeedback Training (SCBT)
The SCBT in this study consisted of two sessions per week for five weeks, totaling ten sessions, considering school schedules. Previous research findings [15,16,23] suggest that conducting a minimum of 10 sessions, each lasting 20 to 30 minutes, yielded the most significant cognitive enhancement. Therefore, each training session of physiological response-focused biofeedback and brainwave change-focused biofeedback lasted 30 minutes. In total, SCBT yielded a duration of 60 minutes per session.
1) First phase: Physiological response-focused biofeedback training
The attention training software Play Attention® (Unique Logic and Technology Inc., North Carolina, USA) was used to give biofeedback training. This software was developed to help pilots stay alert. Play Attention® is a computer-based learning system that provides integrative attention training through gamified exercises and real-time visual and auditory feedback [24,25]. Thus, it allows the student to learn to increase attention in real-time [24]. The software measures the subject's mental and physiological states by measuring skin conductance (EDP) through a wireless body wave cuff (Body Wave®, Freer Logic, North Carolina, USA) that is attached to the subject's left forearm in the middle. Among the software programs, the Attention Stamina program, designed to train a steady attention rate, and the Discriminatory Processing program, designed to train selective focus on necessary information among the stimulus inputs, were used in combination in each session. The Attention Stamina and Discriminatory Processing programs involve maintaining attention during game-like activities, with immediate visual feedback based on the attention level. These interactive game-style activities help individuals correct and increase their physiological attention rate [23].
2) Second phase: Brainwave change-focused biofeedback training
Brainwave change-focused biofeedback training was administered using the brainwave training software program BioGraph V6.0 Infiniti software (Thought Technology Ltd., Saint-Petersburg, USA) and equipment including ECG/EKG sensors, EEG-Z Impedance sensors, and Procomp2 Infiniti devices. This training was conducted using brainwave training software (BioGraph V6.0 Infiniti software) to enhance alpha (8~12 Hz) and SMR (12~15 Hz) waves and inhibit high-beta waves (21~36 Hz). Furthermore, we opted for the central zero (Cz) electrode position during training. This position has proven effective for comprehensive brain training and is known to minimize the occurrence of abnormal signals [9,26]. Among the available the brainwave training software programs, two specific programs, the Boat Race Game, and Coin Game brainwave training programs, were combined to comprise one session. The Boat Race Game and Coin Game programs provide visual and auditory feedback based on the individual’s attention and self-control, enabling them to achieve their target brainwave values.
4. Outcome Measurements
1) Attention
During biofeedback training, attention level was measured by evaluating the physiological attention rate (%) and attention span using attention enhancement training software (Play Attention®, Unique Logic and Technology Inc., North Carolina, USA). The physiological attention rate is an individualized measure of attention obtained from the software at the end of each training session and is expressed as a percentage (%) ranging from 0% to 100%. The physiological attention span refers to recorded attention duration from the software during physiological response-focused biofeedback training.
2) Self-control
Self-control was assessed using both a questionnaire and physiological indicators. A modified version of the Brief Self-Control Scale (BSCS), originally developed by Tangney et al. [27], and adapted and validated by Choi [28], was employed to measure self-control levels after obtaining permission from the authors. While Choi’s [28] research did not incorporate subscales, this study divided the modified BSCS into four subscales through discussions and validation by a panel of eight experts during the intervention design phase: willpower, self-regulation, delayed gratification, and motivation to change. Nine out of the thirteen items were reverse-coded. Each item was rated on a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “not at all like me” (1 point) to “very much like me” (5 points), with higher scores indicating higher levels of self-control. The reliability, as measured by Cronbach’s ⍺, was .87 during the development of the original version at the time of development [27], .76 in Choi’s study [28], and .84 in this study.
Changes in brainwave patterns, specifically alpha, SMR, and high-beta waves, were added as physiological indicators for the experimental group. alpha waves are predominantly associated with relaxation states, SMR waves indicate heightened attention when increased. High-beta waves have been associated with various physiological, emotional, and psychological issues during heightened stress [9,15,17,23]. In this study, the average SMR, alpha, and high-beta wave intensity values before and after the training were calculated for the experimental group.
5. Research Procedure
This study comprises four phases. Each procedural phase of the study is detailed as follows:
1) Phase 1: Intervention design and Preliminary survey
We assembled a panel of eight experts, including two internationally recognized professionals from the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance, three doctoral-level nurses, and three high school educators, to develop intervention and research methods and procedures based on prior studies [5,7,9,15,17,24,25,29], and to evaluate the feasibility and usefulness of the study. Building on the results of expert recommendations and previous research [9,17,24,25], we combined two different types of biofeedback training: physiological response-focused and brainwave change-focused, and selected two training software programs for each type.
After obtaining IRB approval, we conducted a preliminary survey with 10 high school students to assess the applicability and feasibility of the intervention proposed in our study. Considering feedback from the preliminary survey participants and reached after thoughtful deliberation and validation through discussions with the expert panel, we ensured that the final SCBT was feasible and valid.
2) Phase 2: Orientation and Pretest
We ensured the smooth progress of our research by providing initial guidance materials to parents, students, homeroom teachers, and school nurses at each participating school. One week before the first training session, the researcher conducted face-to-face orientation sessions with students. We strongly advised students to limit their consumption of any substances that could impact their cognitive function, such as caffeine, get adequate sleep, and avoid excessive exercise. Additionally, during the training sessions, they received guidance on avoiding sudden movements and prolonged eye closure [9].
All three groups were subjected to physiological attention rates and attention span measurements using the attention enhancement training software Play Attention® at the baseline for the pretest of the attention level, a physiological indicator. The average amplitude values of alpha waves, SMR waves, and high-beta waves were measured at the baseline only on the experimental group to assess the selective brainwave changes following brainwave change-focused biofeedback training. The self-report pretest of self-control was conducted using Google Forms.
3) Phase 3: Execution of intervention
The training sessions were conducted in separate classrooms at each school. No other interventions were allowed during the training period, and training sessions were not conducted during stressful periods such as exam weeks. The intervention team was comprised of the researcher, one doctoral nurse, and two mental health specialists. The intervention team ensured consistency by following the same methods and using standardized result recording sheets during training, and the researcher participated in all intervention sessions to maintain uniformity. The SCBT consists of three distinct process steps. First is the preparation stage, lasting approximately five minutes at the beginning of each session. Especially for brainwave changefocused biofeedback, dead skin cells that could interfere with EEG signals were removed from the Cz of the scalp and from ears, and action leads were attached. We monitored the impedance of these leads, ensuring that they stayed below 5 to enhance measurement accuracy, minimizing the occurrence of artifacts [9,26]. For the second step, 20 minutes were allocated to each training session. All physiological attention rates and spans were recorded in real-time by software to measure attention levels during the physiological response-focused biofeedback training. Real-time changes in brainwave patterns were displayed on the screen and recorded in the software memory during each session of brainwave-change-focused biofeedback training. And the researcher closely monitored the students' attention levels during the training and recorded the details on the developed form. Finally, the researcher allocated about five minutes to the evaluation process after each session. Participants discussed their feelings about the training and the strategies they applied when their attention improved. After the self-assessment, the researcher briefly summarized the participant’s attitude or reactions observed during the training process and provided feedback.
4) Phase 4: Posttest
For the posttest, both the experimental and comparison groups were subjected to the measurement of the physiological attention rates and the attention spans using the attention enhancement training software program and an online survey about self-control at the end of 10 sessions. The control group’s posttest measurements were taken five weeks after the pretest. Brainwave changes were evaluated exclusively for the experimental group, who participated in the brainwave change-focused biofeedback training, by measuring the average amplitude values of alpha, SMR, and high-beta waves. The experimental and comparison groups were asked to briefly describe their opinions of training participation in the posttest questionnaire.
6. Data Analysis
Data were analyzed using the SPSS 25.0 program (SPSS Inc, Chicago, Illinois) as follows: Before homogeneity testing for general characteristics and pretest scores between the experimental, comparison, and control groups, normality tests were performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk test. Nonparametric tests were performed with the assumption of unsatisfied normality (p<.05). The participants’ general characteristics and test result values were calculated as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The Kruskal-Wallis test was conducted to assess the homogeneity of general characteristics and pretest scores among the three groups and check the pre-post effects of SCBT on the three groups. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was performed for within-group pre-post effects of SCBT and the effects on alpha, SMR, and high-beta waves before and after the SCBT in the experimental group. Additionally, reliability testing was conducted using Cronbach’s ⍺.
7. Ethical Considerations
This study obtained approval from the Kyungpook national university Institutional Review Board (IRB approval number: 2017- 0132) to ensure ethical validity and assurance of the participants’ safety and human rights. The intervention took place from December 6, 2017, to November 22, 2018, without providing information about one participating school to another. Printed information sheets were sent to high schools, students, and parents, explaining the research purpose, objectives, anonymity, confidentiality, and the right to withdraw consent or refuse to participate at any time without any negative consequences. The first screen of the self-reported Google Form also explained the research and the option to refuse participation without any negative consequences. Participants were ensured anonymity by entering their assigned numbers at the beginning of the survey. The personal information of participating students was coded, and access was restricted. After each biofeedback training session, participants in the experimental and comparison groups were given snacks. After completing the pre- and post-test questionnaires, all three groups were given a small token of appreciation. Additionally, the control group was provided with training related to attention and self-control upon completion of the study.
1. Homogeneity Testing for General Characteristics and Research Variables
Homogeneity testing for general characteristics of all participants showed no significant intergroup differences (p>.05). Intergroup homogeneity of research variables was also established, with no significant differences observed in the physiological attention rate, physiological attention span, and self-control (p>.05). Homogeneity was confirmed among the three groups in all four subscales of the self-control measure (p>.05) (Table 1).
2. Hypothesis Testing
1) Hypothesis 1
After participating in the SCBT, the experimental group showed a significant difference in attention changes compared to the comparison and control groups. Additionally, sub-hypotheses 1-1 and 1-2 were supported. Therefore, Hypothesis 1 was supported (Table 2).
After participating in the SCBT, the steady attention rate increased by 12.00±9.74% in the experimental group, 7.78 ±5.64% in the comparison group, and 0.33±13.04% in the control group. The differences in changes were statistically significant (x2=6.03, p=.049). Analysis of the within-group pre-post attention rate changes revealed statistically significant improvements were observed in both the experimental group (Z=-3.73, p<.001) and the comparison group (Z=-3.64, p<.001). In contrast, the control group did not show a statistically significant pre-post difference (p>.05). Therefore, Hypothesis 1-1, which suggested that the experimental group would exhibit differences in physiological attention rate changes before and after intervention compared to the comparison and control groups, was supported.
After participating in the SCBT, physiological attention span increased by 52.00±29.05 seconds in the experimental group, 8.06±20.30 seconds in the comparison group, and 3.11±14.74 seconds in the control group, with statistical significance (x2=27.63, p<.001). However, analysis of the within-group pre-post changes revealed that the attention span increased significantly only in the experimental group (Z=-3.73, p<.001). Therefore, Hypothesis 1-2, which suggested that the experimental group would exhibit differences in physiological attention span compared to the comparison and control groups after intervention, was supported.
2) Hypothesis 2
After participating in the SCBT, the experimental group showed a significant difference in self-control compared to the comparison and control groups, thus supporting Hypothesis 2. The experimental group’s self-control score increased by 3.79±3.74, while the comparison and control groups decreased respectively. The differences in these score changes were statistically significant (x2=10.93, p=.004). When broken down into subscales, only willpower (x2=7.52, p=.023), enduring (x2=6.45, p=.040), and pursuit of change (x2=8.74, p=.013) showed statistically significant score differences among the three groups, with the experimental group exhibiting the greatest improvements in self-control scores in all three subscales. In the posttest score changes within each group, only the experimental group demonstrated significant improvements in willpower (Z=-2.79, p=.005), enduring (Z=-2.62, p=.009), pursuit of change (Z=-2.76, p=.006), and the total score (Z=-3.11, p=.002), all of which were statistically significant. The comparison and control groups did not show statistically significant pre-post score changes in any of the subscales (p>.05) (Table 2).
3) Hypothesis 3
The experimental group that participated in the SCBT showed significant differences in brainwave changes induced by brainwave change-focused biofeedback training, thus supporting Hypothesis 3. After participating in the SCBT, the experimental group’s alpha wave intensity increased by 1.66±1.81 compared to the baseline level, and this change was statistically significant (Z=-3.11, p=.002). Similarly, the SMR wave intensity increased by 0.60±0.62 compared to the baseline level, and this change was statistically significant (Z=-3.07, p=.002) (Table 3). However, high-beta wave intensity decreased by 0.77±0.73 compared to the baseline level, and this change was statistically significant (Z=-3.55, p<.001) (Table 3).
In this study, we conducted the SCBT to enhance the functioning of the prefrontal cortex in male high school students and verify its effect on improving attention and self-control based on a brain-cognitive neuroscience approach anchored in the Reflection and Reflexion model [18].
The attention enhancement training software program, used for physiological response-focused biofeedback training, is non-invasive and can measure physiological indicators through electrodermal conduction. Electrodermal conduction measurement is currently applied in various technological domains for relaxation and attention enhancement [2]. It is expected to be utilized as a biomarker for nursing interventions to improve attention and assess the level of attention in fields such as psychiatric nursing and community nursing.
There were significant changes observed not only in the experimental group but also in the comparison group which have got physiological response-focused biofeedback training, a direct comparison cannot be made because of the limited domestic research on attention-enhancement training software programs similar to this study applied to high school students. Nonetheless, a study conducted with middle school students [29] yielded similar results in improved attention. Notably, in contrast to a previous study with 36 sessions [29], our current study demonstrated a significant change in attention rate after only 10 sessions of training, which is presumably attributable to the physiological response-focused biofeedback training that was designed to improve the attention of midadolescents, aged 16~17, whose working memory is functioning at adult levels [1].
After the SCBT, the physiological attention span was statistically significant only in the experimental group. Although making a direct comparison is challenging because of a lack of previous research measuring attention span after providing the SCBT, similar to our study, the significant increase in self-control score observed exclusively in the experimental group can be explained by the mechanism of the C-system, based on the Reflection and Reflexion model [18]. During this training, the experimental group actively engaged the C-system to consciously acquire self-control strategies and maintain their physiological attention span [18]. This observation also aligns with previous findings indicating that self-control positively impacts the physiological attention span, representing the capacity to sustain attention [5,7].
Self-control showed a statistically significant difference in score changes only in the experimental group. While the control group’s total scores decreased, the experimental group exhibited a statistically significant increase. This statistically significant increase in self-control scores observed only in the experimental group could be attributed to their brainwave change-focused biofeedback training. The experimental group participated in brainwave change-focused biofeedback training based on operant training through repeated rewards [9,30], and the Reflection and Reflexion model [18]. Repetitive training, which performs similarity-based pattern-matching operations on incoming data for improving attention, stimulated and activated the brains of the experimental group’s participants, resulting in improved self-control [8,9,18,30]. Enhanced self-control induces effective changes, allowing adolescents to focus on goals that can provide greater rewards than the ineffective thoughts initially perceived in challenging situations [8]. The observed significant differences in the subscales of willpower, self-regulation, and motivation to change were exclusively found in the experimental group. These differences can be attributed to the SCBT. This combination enabled the experimental group to quantitatively adjust complex psychophysiological processes that are challenging to perceive and deliberately adjust for them to ponder on and apply new attention strategies [14,30]. Furthermore, the real-time visualization, hearing, and feeling of the changes in brainwave patterns during training boosted the experimental group’s confidence and self-efficacy, improving their ability to self-control themselves [19].
From a neuropsychological perspective, attention can be categorized into four distinct types: selective attention, which focuses only on the current experience; divided attention, which allocates attention to two or more different tasks simultaneously; sustained attention, which maintains attention over a specific time interval; and shifting attention, which redirects attention back to the original target or shifts focus between tasks [7]. In particular, self-control is essential for adjusting the capacity to sustain, select, and switch attention to maintain attention [5]. Considering the crucial role of self-control in maintaining unwavering attention, the significant improvements in physiological attention span and self-control observed exclusively in the experimental group of this study can be attributed to the efficient influence of the SCBT. This training method was more effective in prolonging attention span than single biofeedback training.
Finally, in this study, after participating in the SCBT, the experimental group showed an increase in the intensity of alpha and SMR waves and a decrease in high-beta waves. Comparing these changes directly to previous research that conducted the SCBT in the same brainwave range is challenging because of the lack of available studies. However, a previous study conducted with adolescents, in which brainwave change-focused biofeedback training was conducted to investigate changes in alpha, SMR, and beta waves, reported increases in this brainwave range after intervention [19]. Additionally, it is important to note that the beta wave results in this previous study were achieved through training that initially lowered high-beta waves and then raised mid-beta waves, which might explain the differences from the high-beta wave results observed in this study. The changes in SMR waves in the experimental group of our study are considered attributable to the result of operational conditioning [9] and the outcome of the deliberate, reflective system [18]. In the first phase of SCBT, which is physiological response-focused biofeedback training, participants habitually use their own attention methods to engage with the software training program. This reaction is the X-system. But this approach fails. This situation caused them stress, but they endeavored to discover the most effective ways to enhance their attention, thereby enabling them to concentrate on the training. Most of them increased their attention level when they relaxed. In the second phase of SCBT, which is brainwave change-focused biofeedback training, the software training program operated with increased difficulty due to the specifically set goals for changing brainwaves. However, they used a new strategy for maintaining attention that they acquired in the first phase. When they successfully implemented their new method, the program provided real-time visual feedback as a reward during the training process. Because reward sensitivity in the brain increases in midadolescence [1], they were able to control themselves to increase relaxation, reduce stress, and maintain attention through repetitive training. Consequently, through the repetitive brainwave change-focused biofeedback training, their brainwaves were changed. The C-system elucidates this [18]. Repeated training of the SCBT can enhance self-control and develop a new attention strategy in the form of an automatic pattern-matching response. This is a new X-system [18]. These changes reflect the repetitive efforts to modify brainwaves to maintain a state of attention and relaxation, driven by real-time visual feedback through training.
Furthermore, in this study, participants experienced relief from heightened alertness and tension from the alarm state [18] because of repeated brainwave change-focused biofeedback training, which likely led to the strengthening of the most stable alpha waves in a self-accepting state. Additionally, this study provided brainwave training to suppress hypervigilant high-beta waves, which reduced the intensity of high-beta waves. This reduction is assumed to be because of the more immediate responsiveness to instant rewards in adolescent brains compared with adult brains [1,6].
The gamified elements incorporated into the SCBT used in this study likely acted as effective learning strategies, inducing interest in new learning and enhancing attention regulation [6]. Furthermore, in a stepwise combined manner, the brainwave change-focused biofeedback training was applied to adjust brainwaves after strengthening cognitive abilities through physiological response-focused biofeedback training. The latter is known to enhance attention and cognitive discrimination [25], which contributed to drawing out the ability to change brainwaves more efficiently.
However, there are several limitations to generalizing the findings of this study. Since the study was conducted in two regions and three high schools through convenience sampling, it has limited generalizability. We adjusted the training schedule to minimize the impact of differences between schools and classes when selecting participants to improve generalizability. Future research may require random participant selection to address this limitation.
Moreover, recruiting is challenging in general high schools, which are influenced by university entrance exams, making it difficult to implement the entire ten session program because of concerns from schools and parents. To address this issue, training would be necessary to be during weekends, vacations, or extracurricular hours. In order to confirm the effectiveness of the SCBT in normal high school students, we excluded adolescents who were left-handed and students who had received psychiatric treatment or interventions. Therefore, we suggest that future research should include them. Although this study compared and analyzed three groups to examine the effects of SCBT, future research is recommended to further enhance the effectiveness of SCBT by adding a single intervention group focusing on brainwave biofeedback as a comparison group, enabling a complete four-group comparison. Finally, this study was conducted before the COVID-19 pandemic, and we propose conducting a follow-up study targeting high school students exposed to the changed educational environment caused by COVID-19. Our findings could provide a helpful foundation for comparing a follow-up study pre- and post-COVID-19.
Despite the aforementioned limitations, when considering the results of this study, the SCBT, aimed at fostering adolescent brain development and delivered as an independent nursing intervention, is significant in that it improved attention and demonstrated changes induced by self-control in high school students. In previous studies on attention [5,12] among adolescents, evaluations were mostly based on observations and self-report questionnaires completed by students, lacking objective assessments. In contrast, this study objectively evaluated attention using physiological indicators and objective assessments of brainwave- changes associated with self-control.
Furthermore, this study utilized brain-computer interface devices in the era of digital health to implement nursing assessments based on physiological responses and cognitive neuroscientific approaches. This pioneering attempt holds significance for nursing interventions not only in the field of community schools but also in clinical practice. In the United States, this intervention has been recognized as a powerful approach to enhance brain function and alleviate cognitive deficits in patient populations [30]. Also, the passage of the Nursing Act has heightened the need for professional and independent nursing interventions by nurses inside the community of South Korea. Thus, we hope that further research will continue to explore the application and adaptation of non-invasive, nonpharmacological interventions using the proposed stepwise training, combining physiological response-focused biofeedback and brainwave-focused biofeedback, not only in local community school settings but also in practical clinical nursing practice.
This study was conducted to develop the SCBT based on the Reflection and Reflexion model [18] as a stand-alone nursing intervention which was applied to male high school students to test its effects on attention and self-control in the study population. As a result, the nursing intervention training for attention improvement showed significant effects attributable to positive feedback of reward and reinforcement in the reflexive system (X-system), and self-control significantly enhanced in the reflective system (C-system) to foster value-based behaviors among adolescents. Therefore, the SCBT in this study is expected to serve as a stand-alone nursing intervention that will ultimately induce goal-oriented behaviors, allowing individuals to control and resolve their issues positively. Particularly noteworthy is the improvement in data objectivity achieved by comparing and analyzing physiological indicators and psychological variables together, complementing the limitations of self-report questionnaires.
Furthermore, to explore the potential spread and application of visual and auditory repetitive training among participants experienced with video-related media technology because of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, conducting follow-up research with adolescents of varying age groups is recommended to assess age-dependent effects. We also recommend conducting follow-up research applying the proposed nursing intervention to address various cognitive and behavioral issues in adolescents or testing its effects in various areas.
Wanju Park has been an editorial board member since January 2020, but has no role in the decision to publish this article. Except for that, no potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was reported.
Conceptualization or/and Methodology: Park, SJ & Park, W
Data curation or/and Analysis: Park, SJ & Park, W
Funding acquisition: Park, W
Investigation: Park, SJ
Project administration or/and Supervision: Park, W
Resources or/and Software: Park, SJ
Validation: Park, SJ & Park, W
Visualization: Park, SJ & Park, W
Writing: original draft or/and review & editing: Park, SJ & Park, W