A Study on Interpersonal Relation Disposition, Critical Thinking Disposition, and Communication Competence in Undergraduate Students in Nursing. |
Narae Heo |
Graduate School, Division of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. marvelouscare@hanmail.net |
Abstract |
PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to identify interpersonal relation disposition, critical thinking disposition, and communication competence in undergraduate students in nursing practicums. METHODS: Study participants were 170 junior and senior nursing students who were in a nursing practicum. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression with IBM SPSS statistics version 21. RESULTS: Dominant-ascendant (beta=.25, p=.011), sympathetic-acceptable (beta=.34, p<.001) and social-friendly (beta=.18, p=.024) of the interpersonal relation dispositions and Intellectual integrity (beta=.17, p=.027), open-mindedness (beta=.15, p=.024), Prudence (ss=.16, p=.016), and Inquisitiveness (beta=.21, p=.008) of the Critical thinking dispositions were identified as important predictors of communication competences. CONCLUSION: Considering the rapidly changing variation of dispositions according to generation, research on interpersonal relation disposition, critical thinking disposition, and communication competence through in-depth study with multi-faceted approaches should be continued. |
Key Words:
Nursing; Undergraduate students; Interpersonal relation disposition; Critical thinking disposition; Communication competence |