Action Research for Parent Empowerment of Married Immigrant Women. |
Boyoung Kim |
College of Nursing, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE In this action research mixed research methods combining quantitative and qualitative approaches were used to examine a parent empowerment program for married immigrant women. METHODS: Data were collected from 14 women who participated in the action research. The 1st and 2nd sessions consisted of problem definition, planning, observation . evaluation and reflection. The parent empowerment program for married immigrant women was developed through theses steps, and quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed in order to examine the effects of the program and the participant' empowerment experiences. Quantitative data were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test, and qualitative data using content analysis. RESULTS: The parent empowerment program was effective in enhancing married immigrant women's parenting efficacy and parenting attitude. The results of the qualitative analysis showed that, participants' empowerment experiences were: "learn information on parenting", "live stately with assertion my of opinions", "become confident in giving care", "as learner appreciating that children also try to be nice" and "family relations have improved". CONCLUSION: These results indicate the program is effective in enabling married immigrant women to find a 'positive I' so that they become aware of their identity as parents and help in their roles as parents. |
Key Words:
Immigrant; Parent; Empowerment; Action research |