J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 19(1); 2010 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2010;19(1):57-66.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2010.19.1.57    Published online March 31, 2010.
Factors Influencing Children's Mental Health State.
Eun Suk Cho, Ji Min Seo
1Okseong Elementary School, Ulsan, Korea.
2College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Korea. seojimin@pusan.ac.kr
The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors that influence children's mental health state. METHODS: The subjects were 127 boys and 132 girls in the 5th and 6th grades of elementary school. Data were collected through Child Problem-Behavior Screening Questionnaire, Parental Behavior Rating Scale, Conflict Tactics Scales, Self-Esteem Scales, and Index of Peer Relations. Subjects were divided into the risk group and normal group of the mental health state by the scores of CPSQ and were analyzed by chi2 test, t-test, and logistic regression using SPSS/WIN 14.0. RESULTS: The risk group was 70.3% and normal group was 29.7% of the subjects. Self-esteem, peer relationship, and academic achievement were important factors influencing children's mental health state. CONCLUSION: Results of this study suggest interventions to improve self-esteem, peer relationship, and academic achievement for promoting children's mental health state.
Key Words: Children; Mental health; Self-esteem


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