J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 32(2); 2023 > Article
Noh, Park, and Shim: CORRIGENDUM: Add of appendix
S1. Search Strategies for Databases
No. Search strategies Results Remarks
*Search limits a. Humans or animal: Human
b. Language: English
c. Publication type: RCT
d. Publication Dates: 2010~
#1 ("adolescent"[mesh] OR "young adult" [mesh]) OR (young people[tiab] OR young women[tiab] OR young men[tiab] OR young adult*[tiab] OR adolescen*[tiab] OR student*[tiab] OR youth*[tiab] OR teen*[tiab] OR Pubert*[tiab] OR Pubescen*[tiab] OR Juvenile*[tiab]) 2,959,178
#2 intervent* (tiab) OR therap*[tiab] OR program* (tiab) treat* (tiab) OR prevent* (tiab) OR mental health service* (tiab) OR psychoeducat* (tiab) OR "Psychology, Applied" (mesh) OR "Mental Health Services" (mesh) OR "Psychotherapy" (mesh) 3,670,204
#3 "mobile applications" (mesh) OR "internet" (mesh) OR "web browser" (mesh) OR "electronic mail" (mesh) OR "online social networking" (mesh) OR "social media" (mesh) 93,663
#4 internet (tiab) OR online (tiab) OR on-line (tiab) OR web (tiab) OR website* (tiab) OR web site* (tiab) OR website* (tiab) OR app (tiab) OR apps (tiab) OR application* (tiab) OR "social media*"[Tiab] OR "social network*"[Tiab] OR electronic mail* (tiab) OR Email (tiab) OR E-mail (tiab) OR eHealth (tiab) OR e-health (tiab) OR mHealth (tiab) OR m-health (tiab) OR mobile (tiab) 1,728,007
#5 #3 or #4 1,752,628
#6 #2 and #5 258,477
#7 ("depression"[mesh] OR "Depressive Disorder"[mesh] OR "Depressive Disorder, Major"[mesh]) OR depress* (tiab) 528,986
#8 #6 and #7 10,284
#9 "randomized controlled trial" (Publication Type) OR "Controlled Clinical Trial" (Publication Type) OR "randomized controlled trials as topic" (mesh) OR "Clinical Trials as Topic" (mesh:NoExp) OR "random allocation" (mesh) OR "single-blind method" (mesh) OR "double-blind method" (mesh) 1,010,661
#10 "randomized controlled trial*"[Tiab] OR random* (tiab) OR trial (ti) OR "single blind*"[Tiab] OR "double blind*"[Tiab] OR "triple blind"[Tiab] OR waitlist*[tiab] OR "wait list*"[Tiab] OR "waiting list*"[Tiab] 1,333,022
#11 "review" (Publication Type) OR "review literature as topic" (mesh) OR review* (TI) 3,023,347
#12 "animals" (mesh) NOT "humans" (mesh) 4,811,823
#13 #9 or #10 1,755,039
#14 #13 NOT #11 1,506,193
#15 #14 NOT #12 1,343,799
#16 #8 and #15 2,817
#17 #1 and #16 935
#18 #17 866 publication date filter/ 2010~
#19 #18 855 language filter/ English
total 855
*Search limits a. humans or animal: Humanb. language: Englishc. publication type: RCTd. publication Dates: 2010~
#1 ''adolescent'/exp OR 'young adult'/exp OR (young:ab,ti NEXT [people:ab,ti OR women:ab,ti OR men:ab,ti OR adult*:ab,ti]) OR adolescen*:ab,ti OR pubert*:ab,ti OR pubescen*:ab,ti OR student*:ab,ti OR youth*:ab,ti OR teen*:ab,ti OR juvenile*:ab,ti 2,539,697
#2 intervent*:ab,ti OR therap*:ab,ti OR program*:ab,ti OR treat*:ab,ti OR prevent*:ab,ti OR 'mental health service*':ab,ti OR psychoeducat*:ab,ti OR 'Psychology, Applied'/exp OR 'Mental Health Services'/exp OR 'Psychotherapy'/exp 1,264,380
#3 ''mobile applications'/exp OR 'internet'/exp OR 'web browser'/exp OR 'electronic mail'/exp OR 'online social networking'/exp OR 'social media'/exp 173,808
#4 internet:ab,ti OR online:ab,ti OR on-line:ab,ti OR web:ab,ti OR website*:ab,ti OR 'web site*':ab,ti OR app:ab,ti OR apps:ab,ti OR application*:ab,ti OR 'social media*':ab,ti OR 'social network*':ab,ti OR 'electronic mail*':ab,ti OR Email:ab,ti OR E-mail:ab,ti OR eHealth:ab,ti OR e-health:ab,ti OR mHealth:ab,ti OR m-health:ab,ti OR mobile:ab,ti 2,103,280
#5 #3 or #4 2,149,864
#6 #2 and #5 884,023
#7 ('depression'/exp OR 'Depressive Disorder'/exp OR 'Depressive Disorder, Major'/exp) OR depress*:ab,ti 832,940
#8 #6 and #7 29,982
#9 ''randomized controlled trials as topic'/exp OR 'clinical trials as topic'/exp OR 'random allocation'/exp OR 'single-blind method'/exp OR 'double-blind method'/exp 653,173
#10 'randomized controlled trial*':ab,ti OR random*:ab,ti OR trial:ti OR 'single blind*':ab,ti OR 'double blind*':ab,ti OR 'triple blind':ab,ti OR waitlist*:ab,ti OR 'wait list*':ab,ti OR 'waiting list*':ab,ti 1,827,024
#11 'review':it OR 'review literature as topic'/exp OR review*:ti 3,301,615
#12 ''animals'/exp NOT 'humans'/exp 5,597,733
#13 #9 or #10 2,103,964
#14 #13 NOT #11 1,833,377
#15 #14 NOT #12 1,642,167
#16 #8 and #15 5,251
#17 #16 and #1 967
#18 #17 899 publication date filter/ 2010~
#19 #17 891 language filter/ English
Total 891
cochrane central
*Search limits : trials (Centeral search among CochraneDB) a. humans or animal: Humanb. language: Englishc. publication type: RCTd. publication Dates: 2010~
#1 (mh adolescent) OR (mh "young adult") OR (young:ti,ab,kw NEXT [people:ti,ab,kw OR women:ti,ab,kw OR men:ti,ab,kw OR adult*:ti,ab,kw]) OR adolescen*:ti,ab,kw OR pubert*:ti,ab,kw OR pubescen*:ti,ab,kw OR student*:ti,ab,kw OR youth*:ti,ab,kw OR teen*:ti,ab,kw OR juvenile*:ti,ab,kw 223,683
#2 intervent*:ti,ab,kw OR therap*:ti,ab,kw OR treat*:ti,ab,kw OR prevent*:ti,ab,kw OR program*:ti,ab,kw OR "mental health service*":ti,ab,kw OR psychoeducat*:ti,ab,kw OR (mh "Psychology, Applied") OR (mh "Mental Health Services") OR (mh Psychotherapy) 1,319,359
#3 (mh "mobile applications") OR (mh internet) OR (mh "web browser") OR (mh "electronic mail") OR (mh "online social networking") OR (mh "social media") 5,069
#4 internet:ti,ab,kw OR online:ti,ab,kw OR on-line:ti,ab,kw OR web:ti,ab,kw OR website*:ti,ab,kw OR web site*:ti,ab,kw OR website*:ti,ab,kw OR app:ti,ab,kw OR apps:ti,ab,kw OR application*:ti,ab,kw OR "social media*":ti,ab,kw OR "social network*":ti,ab,kw OR electronic mail*:ti,ab,kw OR Email:ti,ab,kw OR E-mail:ti,ab,kw OR eHealth:ti,ab,kw OR e-health:ti,ab,kw OR mHealth:ti,ab,kw OR m-health:ti,ab,kw OR mobile 102,520
#5 #3 or #4 102,520
#6 #2 and #5 86,273
#7 (mh "depression") OR (mh "Depressive Disorder") OR (mh "Depressive Disorder, Major") OR depress*:ti,ab,kw 89,409
#8 #6 and #7 8,178
#9 #1 and #8 1,767 PubMed 835 embase 717 CT.gov 351 ICTRP 257 CINAHL 11
#10 #12 1,631 publication date filter/ 2010~PubMed 755 embase 678 CT.gov 325 ICTRP 248 CINAHL 11
#11 #13 1,444 source - CT.gov, ICTRP exclusion
Total 1,444
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CORRIGENDUM: Correction of author name2022 June;31(2)


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