The Effect of Meditation Programs on Stress Responses, Anxiety, and Self-Esteem in Psychiatric Patients |
Sun Joo Jang1, Yang Sook Hah2 |
1Seoul National University Hospital, MSN, RN 2Seoul National University, PhD, RN |
국선도를 활용한 명상 프로그램이 정신과 입원 환자의 스트레스반응, 불안 및 자아존중감에 미치는 효과 |
장선주1, 하양숙2 |
1서울대학교병원 간호사 2서울대학교 간호대학 교수 |
Sun Joo Jang, Tel: 82-2-2072-2295, Email: |
Received: 21 December 2007 • Revised: 8 July 2008 • Accepted: 11 September 2008 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study aimed to examine the effects of meditation programs on stress responses, anxiety, and self-esteem in psychiatric patients. After the meditation treatment, the experimental group will report a higher degree of decreased Symptoms of Stress(SOS) scores than the control group. The experimental group will report a higher degree of decreased Beck Anxiety Inventory(BAI) scores than the control group.
In addition, the experimental group will report a higher degree of increased Rosenberg scale scores than the control group.
Methods Seventeen patients were recruited and were treated with 6 sessions of a meditation program as well as 17 sex-matched control patients. Stress responses were measured using SOS and all subjects performed BAI, the Rosenberg scale and the visual analogue scale.
Results Compared with the control patients, patients receiving meditation treatment did not show significant reduction in scores of SOS(U = 137.500, p = .812), BAI(U = 126.500, p = .540) or SOS subscales. There was no significant increase of self-esteem(U = 112.500, p = .274) in the meditation treatment group.
Conclusion This study suggests that meditation programs may be therapeutic by reducing stress responses including psychological and physiological aspects even though there was no statistical significance. |
Key Words:
Stress; Anxiety; Self-esteem; Psychiatric patients |