A Study on PTSD, Depression, Anger, and Suicidal Ideation in Victimized Community Residences after 仕re Hebei Spirit Oil Spill |
Jung Nam Sohn |
Associate Professor, Department of Nursing, Hanseo University |
허베이 스피리트호 유류유출 피해 지역 주민의 외상 후
스트레스 장에, 우울, 상태분노 및 자살생각에 대한 연구 |
손정남 |
한서대학교 간호학과 부교수 |
Jung Nam Sohn, Tel: 82-41-660-1072, Email: jnsohn@hanseo.ac.kr |
Received: 15 October 2008 • Revised: 1 December 2008 • Accepted: 2 December 2008 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was conducted to identify post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD), depression, anger, and suicidal ideation experienced by people who were impacted by the Hebei Spirit oil spill. This information was required for basic data in order to facilitate a design for an appropriate intervention program.
Methods The data was obtained from July 7 to August 1 from a target population in area by dispropositional stratified samples according to 100:1-100:4. Data was collected from 1197 residences in T area. The data was analysed using the SPSS/WIN program.
Results 23.1% of the respondents were in a PTSD risk group, 24.4% were in a depression risk group, 2.9% were in a suicidal ideation risk group, 8.9% had a suicidal ideation in the last 6 months, and 2.4% attempted suicide in the last 6 months. The average score for PTSD, depression, and anger were significantly different by the severity of the impact of the oil spill. The average score for PTSD, depression, and anger were significantly different by suicidal ideation and attempting suicide. 17% of respondents were in both the PTSD and depression risk group, 13.4% were in only one risk group, and 69.6% were in no risk group.
Conclusion The finding of this study has implications for development of an intervention program to mitigate the chronic mental health problem in a technical disaster. |
Key Words:
Post traumatic stress disorder; Depression; Suicide; Victim |