A Study on Smoking Knowledge, Smoking Attitude, and Smoking Cessation Intention of Psychiatric Patients |
Soo Ok Kim |
Associate Projessor, Department of Nursing, Ulsan College |
정신질환자의 흡연지식, 연태도 및 금연의도에 관한 연구 |
김수옥 |
울산과학대학 간호과 부교수 |
Soo Ok Kim, Tel: 82-52-230-0734, Fax: 82-52-230-0731, Email: sokim@maiLuc.ac.kr |
Received: 12 August 2006 • Accepted: 7 March 2007 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study was conducted to examine the relationship among smoking knowledge, smoking attitude, and smoking cessation intention of psychiatric patients.
Methods The subjects were 85 psychiatric inpatient smokers in Y area. The data was collected using structured questionnaires from May to June of 2006. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression with SPSS (ver. 10.0) program.
Results Most of the subjects(81.2%) were distributed in precontemplation stage and their levels of smoking knowledge and smoking cessation intention were moderate, and smoking attitude was poor. There were significant positive correlations among knowledge, attitude and smoking cessation intention. Knowledge and attitude significantly predicted their intention to quit smoking and attitude was stronger predictor than knowledge. These variables accounted for 46.5% of smoking cessation intention.
Conclusion The development of smoking cessation education program that focuses attitude change is needed. Maybe, well-designed program will enhance their knowledge, attitude and smoking cessation intention. |
Key Words:
Smoking knowledge, Smoking attitude, Smoking cessation intention |