The Validity and Reliability Testing of The Tromso-Social Intelligence Scale in Korean College Students |
Sung-Won Park |
Full-time instructor, Department of Nursing, Hyechon College, Daejeon, Korea |
트름소 사회지능 적도의 타당도 및 신린도 검증 - 국내 대학생 표본을 중심으로 - |
박성원 |
혜천대학 간호과 전임강사 |
Sung-Won Park, Tel: 82-42-580-6283, Fax: 82-42-580-6289, Email: |
Received: 10 February 2007 • Accepted: 14 June 2007 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study is to test validity and reliability of the Tromso Social Intelligence Scale when the scale was applied to Korean college students.
Methods A methodological study design with the exploratory factor analysis and correlational coefficients has been used. The Tromso social intelligence scale which had been developed by Slivera et. al. (2001) was translated into Korean and the scale has been administered to 460 undergraduate students. The data were analyzed by SPSS v. 12.0. Principal component factor analysis was used to evaluate the construct validity and, Cronbach's a was used to evaluate the internal consistency.
Results The factor analysis showed that 3 factors having highest variances were explaining 40.626 % of total variance and the corresponding factors were 'Social awareness’, 'Social skills’, and 'Social cue inference’, respectively. The internal consistency was acceptable(a=,795).
Conclusions The above results show that the Tromso Social Intelligence Scale is useful to apply to Korean subjects, but follow-up studies are needed to test the criterion and concurrent validity. |
Key Words:
Intelligence; Validity |