The Effect of Integrated Mental Health Care Program on Knowledge and Practice related to Drug and Symptom Management, and Problem Solving Ability for Schizophrenic Patients and Their Families |
Chung Sook Lee1, Su Jin Kim1, Ae Kyung Kim2, Young Ran Kweon3 |
1Professor, College of Nursing, Chomunu National University 2Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse. St. John of God Hospital 3Professor, Department of Nursing, Daehul Universily |
통합정신건강관리 프로그램이 정신분열증 환자와 그 가족의 약물 및 증상관리 지식과 실천, 문제해결능력에 미치는 효과 |
이정숙1, 김수진1, 김애경2, 권영란3 |
1전남대학교 간호대학 교수 2광주 성요한 정신병원 정신보건간호사 3대불대학교 간호학과 교수 |
Chung Sook Lee, Tel: 82-62-220-4348, Email: |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study is to verify the effectiveness of the integrated mental health care program on knowledge and practice about drug and symptoms management, problem solving abilities for schizophrenic patients and their families.
Methods The design of this study was a non-cquivalent control group pre-test and post-test study. The data was collected from the schizophrenic patients 17 and 15 their families from September 22 to November 3, 2006. The Integrated mental health care program was provided to patients and families for 6 sessions weekly and 90 minuies in each session. The collected data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, x2 -test, Mann-Whiteny U & ANCOVA test.
Results The hypothesis "the experimental group (palients/families) would show higher level knowledge and practice about drug and symptoms management than those of the control group” was supported. The hypothesis “the experimental group(paticnts) would show higher level practice and practice about drug and symptoms management than those of the control group” was supported. The hypothesis “the experimental group(patients/families) would show higher score of level of problem solving ability than those of the control group” was supported.
Conclusion The integrated mental health care program was also proved as an adequate nursing intervention for the discharged patients. It is thought that the program will develop the nursing practice. |
Key Words:
Program; Schizophrenia; Knowledge; Practice; Problem solving |