Process of Change by Smoking Stage of Change among Korean Female Adolescents |
Myung Sun Hyun1, Hee Sun Kang2, Young Ja Lee3 |
1Associate Professor, College of Nursing, Ajou University 2Assistanf Professor, Department of NursiHg, College of Medicine. Chung-Ang University 3Manager of Education & Pubficify Depaftment, Korean Asaociaiion & Smoking and Health |
여자 청소년의 흡연행위의 변화단계에 따른 변화전략 |
현명선1, 강희선2, 이영자3 |
1아주대학교 간호대학교 부교수 2중앙대학교 간호학과 조교수 3한국금연운동협의회 교육.홍보부장 |
Myung Sun Hyun, Tel: 82-31-219-7014, Fax: 82-219-7020, Email: |
Received: 26 July 2007 |
Abstract |
Purpose This study examined the processes of change by smoking stage of change among female adolescents.
Methods This study was a cross-sectional survey. The data were collected from December, 2003 to January, 2004.
A total of 127 female high school students who ever smoked were included. The nine mechanisms of change among ten suggested by Prochaska et al.(1988) were used.
Results There were significant differences in the process of change by stage of change. Tukey post-hoc analysis showed that helping relationship was greater in contemplation than in maintenance stage. Self-determination was greater in action and maintenance stage compared to prcconteniplation stage.
Conclusion Those change mechanisms that identified in Illis study can provide the framework in developing programs that focuses on the cessation of smoking in female adolescents. |
Key Words:
Smoking cessation; Adolescents |