J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 16(4); 2007 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2007;16(4):337-347.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2007.16.4.337    Published online December 31, 2007.
The Effect of Suicide Prevention Program on Depression, Suicidal Ideation, and Problem Solving Ability on Middle School Students
Chung Sook Lee1, Young Ran Kweon2, Soo Jin Kim3, Bong Sil Choi4
1College of Nursing, Chonnatn National University, CRINS
2Correspond Author, Dept, of Nursing, Daebul University, CRINS
3College of Nursing, Chonnam National University, CRINS, Gwangju Namgu Mental Health Center
4College of Nursing, Nambu University, CRINS
자살예방 프로그램이 중학생의 우울, 자살생각 및문제해결능력에 미치는 효과
이정숙1, 권영란2, 김수진3, 최봉4
1전남대학교 간호대학 교수, 전남대학교간호과학연구소
2대불대학교 간호학과 교수, 전남대학교간호과학연구소
3전남대학교 간호대 학 교수, 전남대학교간호과학연구소, 광주광역시 남구 정신보건 센터장
4남부대학교 간호학과 교수, 전남대학교간호과학연구소
Correspondence:  Young Ran Kweon, Tel: 82-61-469-1309, Fax: 82-61-462-2510, 
Email: yrk@mail.daebul.ac.kr
Received: 20 August 2007   • Accepted: 29 November 2007
Objective: This study was to examine the effect of suicide prevention program on depression, suicidal ideation, and problem solving ability on middle school students.
This research design was quasi- experimental pre-and-post test control and experimental group methodological comparison study. The total subjects were 122(Exp=54, Con=68) middle school students in Gwangju city. The experimental group received program at ten sessions, but the control group did not receive treatment. Data were collected by self-reported structured questionnaires from Mar. 1st to May 30th 2007, and analyzed with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, frequency, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe, and ANCOVA using SPSS/Win 15.0 program.
Depression wasn't significantly difference(t=-0.960, p=0.339, F=2.171, p=0.143) by the group, but experimental was decreased. Suicidal ideation was significantly difference(t=-2.537, p=0.012, F=4.590, p=0.034). Also, problem solving ability was significantly difference(t=l .958, p=0.053, F=10.115, p=0.002) by group.
Based on the above findings, the authors suggest that comparison study on the effect of suicide prevention program. Also, school-based prevention program for adolescents be developed according to depression and suicidal ideation level.
Key Words: Adolescents; Depression; Suicidal ideation; Problem-solving ability


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