The Effects of Social Adjustment Training Program on Chronic Schizophrenia Patients ' Self-Esteem and Interpersonal Relations |
Jin Hee Kim1, Young Sun Song2 |
1Dong-A University Hospital 2Department of Nursing, Dong-A University |
사회적응훈련 프로그램이 만성정신분열병 환자의 자아존중감 _ 대인관계에 미치는 효과 |
김진희1, 송영선2 |
1동아대학교 석사 2동아대학교 간호학과, 동아대학교 병원 |
Jin Hee Kim, Email: |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of social adjustment training program on chronic schizophrenia patients* self-esteem and interpersonal relations so as to suggest evidence which could be applied in a clinic situation.
Methods The study was designed with nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design.
The subjects of this study were 31 hospitalized chronic schizophrenia patients in J. sanatorium for mental disease in Busan. An experimental group of 16 and a control group of 15 patients participated. This study was carried out from April 20, 2002 to July 6, 2002.
The program that used for social adjustment training was based on u Modem Mental Health & Community PART I (1996) M and “Community based Mental Health Nursing Programme for Rehabilitation of Long-term Psychiatric Patients(1998) n and reconstructed by author. The program was performed 6 times, once a week.
The effectiveness of the program was investigated through Self-Esteem Scale(SES) and Relationship Change Scale (RCS). The tool for self esteem was made by Rosenberg in 1965. It was translated by Cheon, Byung Jae.
The tool for interpersonal relations was made by Schien and Guerney. It was translated by Moon, Seon Mo(1980) and modified by Cheon, Suk Kyun(1994).
The collected data was analyzed by SAS 8.2 program with x 2 - test and t-test.
Results The results of the study were as follows :
1. The first hypothesis
u The experimental group which received the social adjustment training program would score higher from
self-esteem scale than control group", was supported(p= .0005).
2. The second hypothesis “The experimental group which received the social adjustment training program would score higher from interpersonal relations scale than control group", was supported(p= .0145).
Conclusion From the above results, social adjustment training program had a positive effect on chronic schizophrenia patients' self-esteem and interpersonal relations. So social adjustment training program could be an effective nursing intervention to improve the self-esteem and interpersonal relations of chronic schizophrenia patients. |
Key Words:
Social Adjustment Training Program; Schizophrenia; Self-Esteem; Interpersonal Relations |