J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 12(2); 2003 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2003;12(2):182-190.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2003.12.2.182    Published online June 30, 2003.
A Crisis Model for the Early Adolescent
Young Sook Park
Department of Nursing, Shin Heung College
초기 청소년의 위기모형 구축
신홍대학 간호과 조교수
Correspondence:  Young Sook Park, Tel: +82-31-870-3383, 3579, Fax: +82-31-876-7526, 
Email: yspark@mail.she.ac.kr
The purpose of this study is to identify the influencing factors in a crisis state with considering the relationship between influencing factors, and to test its fitness empirically.
A hypothetical model of this study was consisted of 8 theoretical variables and 11 measurable variables with 15 constructed paths. The data from the 229 middle school students at crisis state were analyzed to test the hypothetical model by using covariance structure analysis.
1) The overall fitness indices of the hypothetical model indicate a good fitness; x 2 =47.06(df^28, p<.05), GFI=.96, AGFI=.92, RMR=.O4, NNFI=.95, NFI=.94, Normed x2이.68,and CN=234.88. Five paths had over 2.58 in Standardized Residual but no path is over 10 in Modification Index. 2) Crisis State was influenced directly by stress and coping strategy and was accountable for 31% of the variance by these factors. And the vulnerability of personality, the past history of dangerous events, the perceived home economics, the precipitating events, and social support affected crisis state by the interaction with these main factors directly and indirectly.
I propose that the various school-based crisis prevention and intervention strategies should be developed based on the results of this study.
Key Words: Adolescent; Crisis; Stress; Coping; Social support


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