A Grounded Theory Approach to the Phenomenon of elderly women's anger |
Hye Jin Kioon1, Eun Sun Rho1 |
노년기 여성의 분노현상 - 근거이론적 접근 - |
권혜진1, 노은선1 |
Abstract |
Anger is one of the most common human experiences that brings about an intricate diversity of problem-mental as well as physical throughout life. Experience of anger is likely to be expressed as anger-in mode in Korean culture. With respect to the expression of anger, anger-in inode showed powerful predictors to Hwa-Byung'. Sufferers of ’Hwa-Byung’ in the present study tended to be females in sex and older in age. The causes of ’Hwa-Byung' were considered also as the causes of 'Hann’. 'Hwa-Byung' is common line in etiological life experiences and emotional reactions with 'Hann'. 'Hwa-Byung’ can be said to be a pathological condition of 'Hann' resulting from failure to overcome 'Hann' for an extended span of time.
This study was designed to identify the experiences of elderly women's anger pheno menon.
The subjects were 5 elderly women. Data were collected by recording and transcribing interviews and analyzed in the framework of grounded theory as shaped out by Strauss and Corbin(1998).
The core category in the analysis of the phenomenon of elderly women's anger was "being impatient". In the process of data analysis, categories were identified. These categories were further grouped into central category and conditions of different kinds.
Based upon these results, it is expected that the theoretical framework provided by this study, which shows how 'anger' occurs, changes, develops and resolve will help nursing practitioners develop a better understanding of anger and offer more efficient nursing intervention to prevention ’Hwa-Byung’. |
Key Words:
Elderly women; Anger |