J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 9(4); 2000 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2000;9(4):455-468.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2000.9.4.455    Published online December 31, 2000.
A study of relationship between adolescents' sexual development and problem behavior and depression
Myung Sun Hyun
Division of Nursing Science, College of Medicine, Ajou University
청소년의 성적 발달과 문제행동 및 우울과의 관계 연구 - 서울의 일 개교 남자 중학생을 중심으로 -
아주대학교 의과대학 간호학부
This study was designed to examine the relationship between adolescents' sexual development and problem behavior and depression. The subjects for this study were 199 students at middle school in Seoul. The data were collected during the period from April 14, 2000 to April 17. 2000, and were obtained by use of questionnaires. The instruments used for this study were for sexual development, genital development and pubic hair growth divided by Tanner(1962), for the problem behavior, the Child Problem Behavior list developed by Hong Kyung Ja(1986), and for the depression, the Beck Depression Inventory developed by Beck(1978). The data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics, Pearson Correlation Coefficient, t-test, and ANOVA using the SPSS-Win program. The results of this study are as follows : 1. The mean stages of the sexual development were 2.84±1.27(genital development) and 2.77±.90(pubic development). The mean score of the problem behavior was 56.71 士 10.43, depression 26.81 土5.95. 2. The result of this study of the relationship between sexual development and problem behaviors indicated a no significant correlation between genital development and problem behavior(r=-.122. P=.122). However, there was a significant negative correlation between sexual development and social withdrawal behavior(r=-. 186, P=.O16). 3. There a significant correlation between problem behavior and depression(r= .626, P'00이. 4. The stage of the genital and pevic hair development (t = 17.06, P = .000, t=29.40, P=.000) was significantly different according to grade. Also, The levels of the problem behavior and depression(t = -2.48, P = .O14, t=_3.17, P=.OO2) was significantly different according to grade. 5. The levels of the problem behavior (F=6.29, P=.OO2) and depression (F=6.61, P=.OO2) was significantly different according to school scores. And the level of depression was significantly different according to socioeconimic status perceived by subjects (F=4.51. P=.OO2). In conclusion, this study showed a deep relationship between sexual development and social withdrawal problem behavior: the lower the sexual development, the higher the social withdrawal problem behavior. Therefore, the level of the sexual development for the adolescents should be considered in school and the other field. And the depressive mood of delinquent adolescents should be managed.
Key Words: adolescent; sexual development; problem behavior; depression


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