J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 8(1); 1999 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1999;8(1):27-43.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1999.8.1.27    Published online June 30, 1999.
Effectiveness of the Home Visit Education on the Knowledge, Practice & Symptoms of Home-Based Schizophrenics
Jung Sug Kim
YeoJoo Institute of Technology
가정방문교육이 재가(在家) 정신분열병환자의 지식, 실천 및 증상에 미치는 영향
김 정 숙
여주대학 간호과 교수
In case of our country, the jate of the occurrence of the psychiatric patients is getting increased, schizophrenia patients of them occurrence is 0.18% (at present, 1993). In recent years, a lot of attention have been for corninunity schizophrenic pat ients follow up edu cation and management. Schizophrenia has been known as one of chronic disease's with a relatively high rate of readmission and frequent recurrence due to highly antipsychotic drug incompliance and wrong use. Therefore, the necessity of antipsy chotic drugs and symptoms management on home-based schizophrenic patients and follow up care in community health center was developed. On the basis of these situations this study was conducted, with the Orem’s sclf-care theory of nursing to identify a degree of self-care compliance rimong the home- based schizophrenia patients, thus to evaluate the effectiveness of home visit edu cation. The effect of home visit education was evaluated by comparity the consequences of knowledge and practice score about antipsycotic drugs & symptoms management and positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS) before and after the edu cation. The Nonequivalent control group pretest posttest design was used in the study, and the home visit education was given to the experimental group, while the control group was not given home visit education. A total of 23 schizophrenia patients, who lived in Kyonggido Kapyong gun were studied. H ome visit education manual devised by the researcher was used to < •ducation for home-based schizophrenia patients. Home visit education period was 4 weeks, winch contained 2 home visits per week. Level卜 of self-care knowledge and practice were identified by the personal structured interview of jxitient. sdf—report. Positive and negative scale were conducted by researcher. Questionarics were composed of general background question and )0-item knowledge about antipsychotic drugs and symptoms and. 10-item practice about anti psychotic drugs and symptoms. Of the 3() psychi atric parameters assessed on the PANSS, seven were chosen a priori to constitute a positive scale, seven a negative scale, and the remaining 1()a gen eral psychopathology scale The data analysis of this study was computerized by using SPSS. A Chi - square test arid an independent Wilcoxon rank sum test were done to test homogeneity of general characteristics of subjects be-tween exper iiriental and control groups. Wilcoxon rank sum test was done the comparison of self care compliance (knowledge, practice, symptom) score of subjects be tween experimental and control groups. The result of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. **The experimental group given home visit ed ucation will demonstrate higher knowledge score about antipsychotic drugs and symptoms than the control group” was rejected (6 weeks : Z == - L 456, p = .O22 : 12 months Z = -.684, p = .231). 2. “The experimental group given home visit edu cation will demonstrate higher practice score about antipsychotic drugs and symptoms than the c이:ltrol group” was rejected (6 weeks : Z — 1.916. p= .027 : 12 months Z= — .03(), p = .487) 3. “The experimental group given home visit edu cation will demonstrate dec reased schizophrenic symptom than the control group" was rejected (j weeks : positive sympt이n< Z= -1.11(), p = . 133). negative syrnptomfZ- -2.094, p== .018), General j)sychopathology symp tom(Z= —1.6()3, p =.048). 12 months : positive symptom(Z= - J)47, p = .258), negative symptom!Z= - .893. p = .185), Genera] psychopathology symptom(Z= -.431, p = .333). The result proved that home visit education for home-based schizophrenic patients was an effec tive intervention in increased knowledge and [)rac tice, and decreased symptoms(negative, general psychopathology) of schizophrenia. But. Without systemic and continuous home visit education the effect is reduced and become unsignificant after one year later follow -up study. Therefore, when community health center com rnunity mental health specialists must do home visit education systemically and continuously to homet射sed schizophrenic patients.
Key Words: Home Visit Education; Home-Based Schizophrenics


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