Effect of Self Growth Program on the State Anxiety of Nursing Students before Initial Clinical Experience |
Mun Young Kim |
Department of Nursing. Catholic Sang Ji College |
자기 성장프로그램이 간호학생의 임상실습에 대한 불안에 미치는 효과 |
김문영 |
가톨릭상지대학 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study v/as to examine the ef feet of the Self Growth Piogram on the State Anxiety of Nursing Students before Initial Clinical Experience, and Time Series Design, quasi - expur imental study was attempted to establish the pur pose.
The Self Growth Program was developed by Hyung-Deuk Lee and the State Anxiety Inventory was developed by Spielberger.
The subjects v/ere assigned randomly into an ex perimental group and control group consisting of 1() students each.
Subjects in experimental group(n = 10) were* assigned 14hours the Self Growth Program before initial clinical experience and then were measured the state -anxiety as soon as finished the program and just before initial clinical experience.
Subjects in control group(n= 10) were measured the state-anxiety twice witliout any program as same time as experimental group were measured the state-anxiety.
The results were analyzed by -test, t-test, Re peated measure ANOVA and time contrast method using SAS program.
1'he results are summarized as follows :
1. There were no significant differences in the charactristics of the subjects oetween the exper imental and control group.
2. The hypothesis that the experimental group who are participated on the Self Growth Program between Control group who ar’nt participated on the Self Growth Program will show interaction ef fect between group and as time goes on was supported (F = 7.27, p = 0.0003).
3. The hypothesis II that after participated the program will show lower degree of the State Anxiety score than befoie participated the program in the experimental group was sup ported (F = 9.35, p = 0.0136).
Results of this study showed that Self Growth Program is effective in decreasing State-Anxiety of nursing students before initial clinical experience. |
Key Words:
Self Growth Program; State Anxiety; , Clinical Experience |