The Effect of Mental Illness Education on the Attitudes Toward Mental Illness of High School Students |
Kuem Hee Jung1, Dae Sup Sim2, Chung Sook Lee3,4 |
1Mental Health Nurse of St. John of God Psychiatric Hospital in Kwangju 2Dept, of Social Wai fare, Won Kwang University 3Dept, of Nursing. Chonnam University Medical School 4Chonnam University Research Institute of Nursing Science |
정신질환 교육이 고등학생들의 정신질환에 대한 태도에 미치는 영향 |
정금희1, 심대섭2, 이정숙3,4 |
1천주의 성 요한 정신병원 2원광대학교 사회복지학과 3전남의대 간호학과 4전남대학교 간호과학연구소 |
Abstract |
The objectives of this study are to find out the positive effect of mental illness education on the attitudes toward mental illness of high school students. 198 students, both male and femane, at S High School located in K City were sampled for this study from 2nd February 1998 until 20 th February 1998. Documents were compiled through questionaires to the experimental group and comparative group of 4 classes after visiting to the school to explain the purpose of the study to the students and teachers.
The instrument used for this study was a quest]onai re developed by S. Martin Taylor and Michael J. Dear in 1981 and translated by Lee, Joo-Hoon, et al. which was verified its reliance and validity. CAMI is consists of 40 questions with 4 subordinate factors i.e. authoritarianism. benevolence, social restrictiveness and concept of community mental health.
The mental health education was provided with the subject of the concept of mental illness, causes and types of mental illness, characteristics of behavioui. treatment, prognosis, prevention etc. for 50 minutes for two times each class.
Findings of the study demonstrate as follows :
A significant difference between two groups were shown in 3 factors among 4 in & test carried out after an education on mental illness.
That is, the experimental group who was educated on mental illness shows lower points in authoritarianism(t= : 4.8 L, p = .01) and social restrictiveness(t=5.25, p = .01) and higher points in concept of community mental health(t=7 50, p = .01) than that of comparative group. There is no significant difference in the points of benevolence, by the way.
As it is shown above, the mental illness education for high school students can change the attitudes towards mental illness. Their attitudes on mental illness was quite positive and favorable after having an education. This shows that, in order to change the attitudes toward mental illness, a systematic and specified on-going preventive education on mental illness reponding to the needs of adolescent is necessary. |
Key Words:
Mental Illness Education; Attitudes Toward Mental Illness |