J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 8(2); 1999 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1999;8(2):434-457.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1999.8.2.434    Published online December 31, 1999.
The Experience related to Home Care in Family with Stroke Patients
Hyo Sun Park1, Jeong Seop Lee1
1Department of Nursing. The Graduate School of Hanyang University
2Directed by Professor of Hanyang University
뇌졸중 환자 가족의 가정간호 이용경험
박효선1, 이정섭1
1한양대학교 간호학과 연구원
2한양대학교 간호학과 교수
The purpose of this study is to understand the experience related to home care in family with stroke patients. A phenomenological research methodology is used for this study. The sample for this study consisted of 23 cases of experience related to home care in family with stroke patients. The data were collected using interviews and casebook during the period from June 3, 1998 to October 24. 1998. Van Kaam's methodology was used for analysing these data. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. The experience related to home care in family with stroke patients is categorized by experience "experience related to related to the former sub-divided confused people. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 33, 333-344. No i ack, T. A. (1984). Stroke onset and rehabilitation. Arch. Phys. Med. Reh. 65. physical aspect" and psychosocial aspect", by 'family exper.ence related to the needs fc r nursing care in physical aspect' and experience of physical nursing care provided l)y home care nurse’, and the latter sub-divided by 'family's psychosocial experience and 'experience of psychosocial nursing care provided by home care nurse . The details are as follows' 2. Experience related to physical aspect 1) In 'family experience related to the needs for nursing care in physical aspect'(73), eight themes were extracted need for ADL management(17) ; need for trachiostomy tube management 15): need for self care in family(10): need for levin tube and gastroentero -gavage tube management(8) : need for rehabilitation and exercise management(8) ; need for foley catheter and cystostomy tube managements): and need for sore management (3). 2) In 'experience of physical nursing care provided by home care’(151), thirteen themes were extracted levin tube and gastroentero-gavage tube care(29): trachiostomy tube care(21): sore care(21): family health caro(15)^ rehabilitation and exercise care(14) ; condition check(12) foley catheter and cystostomy tube care(10): instrument disinfection(9): skin care(8): medication care(4): data collection(4): care for defecation(3): and emergency care(l). 3. Experience related to psychosocial aspect 1) In family's psychosocial experience'(123), ten themes were extracted : burden(31) : conflict(21) : withdrawal(18) ; abandonment (17) ; sense of being pressured(ll): emotional discomfort(7) ; sense of responsibility(6) sense of cohesion(6) guilty feeling⑶ : and anxiety(3). 2) In experience of psychosocial nursing care provided by home care nurse'(27),three themes were extracted : psychosocial care (14): service for suppoit(12): and spiritual care(l). In conclusion, family with stroke patients have a lot of needs for care in both physical and psychosocial aspects, and especially, enormous psychosocial aspects of nursing care compared with physical aspects. Also, family with stroke patients were provided enough nursing care by home care nurse in physical aspect, they were not provided enough nursing care in psychosocial aspect. Accordingly, home caiv nurses should understand the various psychosocial experience and needs for nursing care in physical aspect of family with stroke patients based on the findings of this study, arci holistic nursing intervention reflecting both physical and psychosocial aspects sh(>u:d be performed. Especially, home care nurses should recognize that nursing care in psychosocial aspect would be the most important role (T home care nurses for the quality of life in family with stroke patients, and further study will be needed for the nursing intervention in psychosocial aspect.
Key Words: Stroke patient; Home care


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