A Study of Relationship between Self-disclosure and Alienation in Nursing Students |
Mi Ryun Lee |
Department of Nursing, Andong Science College |
자기노출과 소외와의 관계 - 간호전문대학생을 중심으로 - |
이미련 |
안동과학대학간호과 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-disclosure and alienation m nursing students.
This study was carried out with 292 nursing students at junior college located in Taegu and Kyungpook, Korea during the period from March 16 to 23, 1998.
The instruments for this study were the self-disclosure questionnaire developed by Jourard(1958) and alienation scale by Jean(1986).
The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, F—test, Pearson correlation coefficients and ANOVA.
The results of this study were as follows :
1. There was negative correlation between self-disclosure and alienation in nursing students(r = -0.219, p< 0.001).
2. The mean of self-disclosure score was 0.99 and the mean of alienation score was 206.17.
The rank order of self-disclosure related disclos ure categories was tastes/interests(M == 1.09), studies/activi t ies (M = 1.07), attitudes/opinions (M = 1.02), body/health (M = 0.99), personality/ mood (M=0.96), income/money(M=0.83).
The rank order of self-disclosure related disclos ure targets was friends(M = 1.25), sibling(M~l.
09),mother(M = 1.00),father(M=0.63).
The rank order of alienation was normlessness (M = 36.54),self-estrangement(M =35.94), pow erlessness (M =35.63), social isolation (M = 33.85).
meaninglessness(M = 33.55), cultural estrangement(M = 31.57).
3. The relationship between general characteristics and the each categories of disclosure showed a significant difference : grade and body/health (F=3.90 p = 0.021), economic status and attitudes/opinions(F = 5.201)= 0.006),educational level of father and tastes/interests( F=2.84 p==().
038), educational level of mother and attitudes/ opinions(F = 3.19 p = 0.043),educational level of mother and tastes /interest s (F=5.57 p=0.004), occupation of parents and personality/mood (F == 2.
4. The relationship between general characteristics and the subtype of alienation showed significant difference : grade and self-estrangement (F== 4.
07 p=0.018), religion and social isolation(F=4.(X) p=0.008), religion and cultural estrangement (I ? = 2.95 p = 0.033), economic status and social isolation(F=4.10p=0.018).
In conclusion, this study suggested that then; is need to implement self-disclosure training program for nursing students to decrease alienation. |
Key Words:
Self-disclosure; Alienation |