Literary Study on Abuse of the Elderly and Nursing Intervention |
Yoon Hee Kim1, In Hong Kim2, Young Ju Son3 |
1Department of Nursing, Medical College 2Department of Nursing, Chodang Industry University 3Department of Nursing, Halla College |
노인학대와 간호중재에 관한 문헌연구 |
김윤희1, 김인홍2, 손영주3 |
1경희대학교 의과대학 간호학과 교수 2초당산업대학교 간호학과교수 3제주 한라대학 간호과 교수 |
Abstract |
This is the study on abuse of the elderly has been and nursing intervention. Abuse of the elderly has been neglected by both professionals and the public.
Although there has been a dramatic increase in the attention to this problem in the past decade, many service providers are still unable to deal with elder abuse in an adequate manner.
In the past elder abuse has been viewed with child abuse and spouse abuse in the general category of family abuse. This situation can be shown in several ways, textbooks on family violence tend to include elder abuse as one of the categories. Theoretical models are often derived from general family viol ence theories, focusing od such factors as the psychopathology of abusers, or on situational issues, such as general family stress or the specific stress involved in care of dependent family members.
Technique for identifying elder abuse are often borrowed from child abuse identification techniques.
Furthermore, elder abuse is categorized as a criminal act, requiring that penalties be imposed on those re sponsible for the abuse.
More recently, some specialists who deal with the problem are beginning to suggest that elder abuse is the wrong issue. These analysts point out that much of what is termed elder abuse is more accurately termed neglect and many indeed be unintentional on the past of the so-called abuser,who rnay be overwhelmed by the responsibilities of caring for a dependent aged person. Previous research has indicated that elder abuse actually constitutes a variety of behaviors, all of which threaten the health, comfort, and possibly the lives of elderly people. However, the nature of the threat and its effect on aged persons' health and comfort may take different forms. Research on elder abuse has focused on a broader range of behaviors than other family abuse, including six major categories of abuse and neglect : psychological or emotional neglect, psychological or emotional abuse, violation of personal rights, financial abuse, physical neglect, direct physical abuse.
As Block and Sinnott i)oint out, strategies of intervention must be developed primarily to end the abuse, but secondarily to help in establishing the physical and mental well-being of the entire family.
Further research is necessary to determine the needs of aged abuse victims and the most appropri ate ways to provide for them.
The key element in the provision of high quality care to elder abuse victims is the establishment of a trusting and insightful relati이isiiip between the victim and the primary care provider. In large past, education of the public and of those providing health, social, and psychological intervention will facilitate this process, other care providers shculd work through this trusted professional. All components of the care must be recorded so that all professionals can follow the progress of the client and achieve continuity in care Nurses willing to accept this challenge may gain satisfaction from the knowledge that they are forerunners in the developmenr od methods of assistance to elderly abuse victims who have heretofore been neglect by other professionals in the health care area. |