J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 7(2); 1998 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1998;7(2):245-256.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1998.7.2.245    Published online December 31, 1998.
The Study of the Experience of Families with Chronic Psychiatric Patients
Jeong Seop Lee
Department of Nursing, Hanyang University
재가 정신질환자 가족의 경험연구
한양대학교 간호학과
The purpose of this study was to understand the experience of families with chronic psychiatric patients. Subjects were composed of 7 families. Data was collected by unstructured interviews, and then Van Kaam’s methodology used for data analysis. The major findings as followings : The total number of significant statements was 121. They classified into 3 categories such as the ex perience of burden, the experience of the return to the society, and the experience related coping. Each category was explained as followings. Being parenthesized the number of significant statement. 1) In the experience of burden, 3 theme appeared : psychological burden (27), economical burden (16), burden of social attitude(13). Theme cluster attached theme as followings. Psychological burden include 3 theme cluster : burnout(20), anxiety(5), depression(2). Economic burden include 1 theme cluster : economic hardship (16). Burden of social attitude 2 theme cluster ; bur den of discolsuredl), rejection labeling(2). 2) The experience of the return to the society in elude 3 theme appeared : To be anxious about daniage to social function(19), fail to treatment (11), lack of accessibility to resources(8). To be anxious about damage to social function in clude 3 theme cluster ; To be anxious about the rupture of human relations (12), to be anxious about disability to self-control(5), and to be anxious about lack of insight(2). Fail to treat ment 3 theme cluster : noncooperation(6), rnisconception(4), distrust medical tearn(l). Lack of accessibility to resource 2 theme cluster : lack of family support (7), lack of information(1). 3) The experience related coping include 2 theine : passive coping and active coping. Passive coping in clude 5 theme cluster ; ignoring human value(8), ac ceptance (5), avoidance(3), hostile experience(2), solving the basic needs(2). Active coping 3 theme cluster : strengthening the will (3), training ADL (3), assertive self-expression(D. Based on this understanding, we must recognize patients and family’s diverse burden, develop coping tactics for their social rehabilitation.
Key Words: Experience of osychiatric patient's families


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