J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 7(2); 1998 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1998;7(2):352-362.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1998.7.2.352    Published online December 31, 1998.
A Study on Development of Assessment Tool for the Family’s Mental Health
Su Ja Kwon1, Gil Za Lee2
1Department of Nursing, Sorabol College
2Department of Nursing. Medicine College, Pusan National University
가족 정신건강 사정 도구 개발
권 수 자1, 이 길 자2
1서라벌대학 간호과
2부산대학교 의과대학 간호학과
This study was attempted to develope a highly re liable and valid tool which is able to assess the Korean family's mental health deriving the meaning of the Korean family's mental health. It was divided into two stages : the tool developing process and the verification of the tool's reliability and validity. In the first, stage, the theoretical framework of thns study was composed of 3 dimesions : cohesion, adaptability and communication. This conceptual framework was also made into 8 categories according to existing tools and other ex perts opinions, that is, cohesion was consist of emotional support, harmony, adaptability was wholesome life, stabilized life, self control, desire for a good life, adaptation to the social life and coin munication. Therefore an explanatory survey was attempted in order to make questionnaire of Korean family's mental health. This was carried out using open question in order to derive the meaning of Korean family’s mental health. Tliis was done by quota sampling of 4(X) Koreans. And 921 statements were derived as a part of this study. The preliminary tool including 120 items was made and testified by expert s content validity. The pre hnuriary tool was composd of 56 questions. Item analysis and internal consistency were calculated for reliability and validity through pre-test. Provision ally, the tool was composd of 48 items with the four point Likert Scale. In the second stage, for the verification of the re liability and validity of t.he developed tool, data from 120() subjects by quota sampling including 14 years old young people and adults based on three variables : region, sex and age from the 14th August to the 6th September, 1996. Among that subjests, the test- retest subjects were 5。college students and their mothers. Factor analysis was carried out for the construct validity. The test-retest was analized with Peaison correlation coefficient for the reliability. Cronbach Alpha coefficient was calculated for item analysis. The results were as follows : 1) After the factor analysis was applied to the as sessment of the tool validity, the result showed 8 factors : emotional support, harmonious life, wholesome life, faithful life, self control, desire for a good life, adaptation to the social life and communication. Therefore developed conceptual framework was made cohesion was consist of emotional support, harmonious life, adaptabilit y was wholesome life, faithful life, self control, desire for a good life, ad aptation to social life and communication. 2) For an assessment of the tool reliability, the Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was applied for the test -retest at 2- weekly intervals, and t.he result was r = .7777 and the C- onbach Alpha Coef ficient. measuring for an internal consistency was .9421 The tool developed for this st udy was a highly re liable and valid one to assess Korean family's mental health and will be contributed to the de velopment of nursing research, and also it will be an important basis for cursing theory as factor-isolating theory. M이 cover, this tool will be contributed to nursing practice as a guide to assess high risk family.
Key Words: Family; Mental health


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