The Effect of Validation Therapy on Behavior and Emotion of Elderly Demented People |
Kyung Ae Kim1, Yang Sook Hah2 |
1Doctoral Student, College of Nursing, Seoul National University 2Professor, College of Nursing, Seoul National University |
치매노인에 대한 인정 요법 (Validation Therapy)의 효과 |
김경애1, 하양숙2 |
1서울대학교 간호대학 박사과정 2서울대학교 간호대학 교수 |
Abstract |
Validation therapy was originated by N. F'eil who had questioned the benefit of reality orientation for disoriented old people Validation is a therapy corn municating with elderly demented people and is based on an attitude of respect and empathy for thern. In validation therapy individuals with de mentia arc* neither forced into orientation nor to change their behavior.
The purpose of this study was to explore the ef feels of validation therapy on Korean dementia sufferers. 29 subjects with dementia and lived in J residential home in Seoul were selected for a nonequivalent, non-synchronized control group de sign. 14 of them were assigned to the experimental group and 15 to the control group.
A program comprising 1(1 sessions group vali dation therapy was co nd u< ted for 2 weeks in January 1998. The evaluating tools of this study were Clifton Assessment Procedures for the Eld eily(Pattie & Gilleard, 1979) ai;d Apparent Emotion Rating Inst rument (Snyder ec, 1997). Fisher's exact Z 2 - test and t-test. were used to analyse the group equivalency and ANCCV A was to test, the hy pctheses.
Analysis of data showed that, following validation therapy, there was a statistically significant differ ence in behaviour and emotion between the ex per lmental and the control group Social behaviors such as helping others, understanding what was told, be mg understood, etc were much more increased than functional behaviors like incontinence, getting lost, disordered appearance, etc. Positive emotionspleasure, interest, and tranquility were much more increased than negative emotions-depression, arixiet y. and anger.
It has been revealed that most validaiion techniques were effective fo' Korean dementia sufferers. Therefore, dement la care givers are re commended to learn how to use validauon techniques so that the dementia sufferers may re lieve anxiety and maintain dignity.
The results of this study suggest that validation therapy is a potentially valuable nursing inter vention for people with dementia and warrants further investigation. |
Key Words:
Validation therapy; Dementia |