Study on the EfFectiveness of Community Mental Health Program on the Home Care of Chronic Psychiatric Patients |
Kyoung Soon Lee1, Yang Sook Ha2, Jeong Seop Lee3, Sung Ok Chang4 |
1Nursing Dept., Korean SahmYook University 2Nursing College, Seoul National University 3Nursing Dept., Medical College, HanYang University 4Nursing Dept., Medical College, Korea University |
재가 정신질환자를 위한 지역사회 정신보건사업 의 효과에 관한 연구 |
이경순1, 하양숙2, 이정섭3, 장성옥4 |
1삼육대학교 간호학과 교수 2서울대학교 간호대학 교수 3한양대학교 의과대학 간호학과 교수 4고려대학교 의과대학 간호학과 연구강사 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of community-based mental health program offered by psychiatric nurse specialists, which was developed for chronic psychiatric patients.
The research design was a form of a primary experimental design.
The subjects for this study were 40 persons including patients and their family members.
The data were gathered from Feburary 1, 1996 to J une 30, 1997, and analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA.
The result of the this study is as follows :
Hypothesis 1 : “There will be a significant difference in the family support scores perceived by patient between before and after community based mental health program" was supported(df=2, F= 8.33, p=. 001) According to time goes on, the tendency of mean scores of family support scores perceived by patient increased significanly in the form of linear.
Hypothesis 2 : “There will be a significant difference in the family burden scores between before and after community—based mental health program" was supported(df=2, F== 10.74, P=.OO15).
According to time goes on, the tendency of mean scores of family burden decreased significanly in the form of linear.
According to the results of this study, it is revealed that community-based mental health program have a significant effects on increasing family support score perceived by patient and decreasing family burden with chronic psychiatric patients. |
Key Words:
Community Mental Health Program; Family Support; Family Burden |