J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 6(1); 1997 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1997;6(1):82-90.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1997.6.1.82    Published online June 30, 1997.
Concept Analysis on Powerlessness
Hyun Mi Kim1, Young Hwa Nam2, Hae Kyung Lee3, Sung Ju Jeon4, Bokyae Chung5
1Department of Nursing, Kyungsan University
2Department of Nursing, Andong College
3Department of Nursing, Taegu Polytechnic College
4Department of Nursing, Masan College
5Department of Nursing, Kyungbook National Univertsity
무력감(Powerlessness)에 대한 개념분석
김현미1, 남영화2, 이혜경3, 전성주4, 정복례5
1경산대학교 간호학과
2안동전문대학 간호과
3대구산업전문대학 간호과
4마산전문대학 간호과
5경북대학교 간호학과
Powerlessness, as one among the many important concepts in nursing science, has a physically or mentally bad effect on an individual. A continued powerlessness leads to anxiety, depression, hopelessness and if one does not have a successful readaptation process, and finally get into a powerlessness - hopelessness cycle that could lead to a fatal conclusion. Therefore, decreasing powerlessness is becoming a very important nursing objectives. Nurses must help clients to avoid or lessen their powerlessness and detect which patients could be vulnerable to the diagnosis related to powerlessness, design strategies to solve nursing problems and be able to evaluate the results. But there are some differences in defining powerlessness among researchers. And also the meaning of powerlessness and helplessness are used interchangeably. We need to present the meaning of powerlessness which is more definite and able to share among scholars. To accomplsh this task, we conducted our own research on the topic of powerlessness. Analysis was done according to a series of process described by Walker and Avant (1988). In result, we looked into the powerlessness concept through the existing uses, and decided on adopting the repeated characteristics like follows as attributes : • Perceived loss or lack of control over what happens to oneself and one's environment. • inability to perform physical function for oneself - inability to perform usual roles, have no help and financial ability • lack of knowledge and lack of motivation Precise concept analysis of powerlessness gives a more comprehensive understanding about the phenomenon, futher, it is viewed as a basic data to develop nursing intervention which is proper and effective.
Key Words: Powerlessness


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