J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 6(2); 1997 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1997;6(2):265-277.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1997.6.2.265    Published online December 31, 1997.
The Perceptions and Attitudes of Lay Person toward the Mentally Ill
SuJa Gong
College of Nursing, Chosun University
정신질환자에 대한 사회적 표상 연구
조선대학교 간호전문대학
The purposes of the present study were to examine the collective perceptions and attitudes of lay person relying on the social representation theory. The sample consisted of 110 adults (44 men and 66 wemen). Data were obtained by asking the respondents to complete ten sentences, Which begin with the mentally ill is. The results were revealed as follows : 1. Lay person show a great dispositional accounts about the mentally ill. 2. Lay person have not controllable factors the causal perception about mental illness, 3. Lay person have negative feeling about the mentally ill. 4. Lay person show a great accounts about the effects of mental illness. 5. Lay person emphasis love and caring as well as socio - medical strateges. Overall, lay person have negative attitudes toward the mentally ill and mental illness. Correct and in-depth undestanding of lay persons* perceptions and attitudes will help us map out future directions and development the public mental health education programs. Findings of the study could serve as a baseline data developing the new prgrams for mental health education.
Key Words: Lay person; Social representation; Mentally ill; Perception; Attitude


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