A Study of the Autonomy and Professional Self Concept of Clinical Nurses |
Hyun Mi Kim |
Department of Nursing, College of Natural Science, Kyungsan University |
임상간호사의 자율성과 전문직 자아개념과의 관계 연구 |
김현미 |
경산대학교 자연과학대학 간호학과 전임 강사 |
Abstract |
This study was attempted to identify the autonomy and professional self concept of clinical nurses.
This study was carried out with 410 nurses who are working at 4 general hospitals located in Daegu and Pusan, Korea, from July 7 to September 12, 1997. This study used the systematized questionnaires which contain 7 questions about general characteristics, Schutzenhofer's Professional Autonomy Scale and Arthur’s Professional Self-Concept of Nurses Instrument.
By using the SPSS /PC program, this study obtained the real number and percentage for the general characteristics of the subjects, and mean and standard variation for the degree of autonomy and professional self concept of clinical nurses. The correlation between each variables was identified on the basis of the Pearson Correlations, and the degree of autonomy and professional self concept of the subjects were analyzed by using the t—test, ANOVA and Duncan multiple range test.
The results of this study were summarized as follows.
1) It was shown that the degree of the subjects’ autonomy is, on an average, 159.05. This score means mid level of autonomy. The average score of professional self concept was 69.46. Also, this score means mid level of professional self concept.
2) The correlation between autonomy and pro fessional self concept of subjects showed normal correlation(r=.3740, p=.001) : the higher the degree of autonomy, the higher the degree of professional self concept.
3) The relationship between general characteristics and the degree of autonomy showed a significant difference in regard to the age, the marital status, educatioal level, the period of nursing career and the state of position. The score of autonomy by age was highest 41 years old or more, while the lowest was for 26—30 years old(F=3.
52, P=.OO8). The score of autonomy of a married nurse was higher than an unmarried (y =—2.97, P=.OO3). The score of autonomy by the period of nursing career was highest 9 years or more, the lowest was for 3—6 years(F=3.90, P=.OO9).
Also, the higher the educational level (F= 11.66, P=.000) and the state of position(t=—2.00, P= .049), the higher the score of professional autonomy.
But there were no significant difference in regard to the religion and the field of work.
4) The relationship between general characteristics and the professional self concept showed a signifi cant difference in regard to the age(F=6.47, P= .000》,the marital status(t=-2.77, P=.OO6), educatioal level(F=7.35, P=.001), the period of nursing career (F=3.81, P.010) and the state of position(t=-2.51, P=.013). But there were no significant difference in regard to the religion and the field of work.
In conclusion, this study suggested that we need to developed the program improving autonomy and professional self concept of clinical nurses. |