Theory and Practice of Nursing - Logotherapy |
Jeong Ji Lee |
Department of Nursing, Pusan Catholic College |
의미간호요법의 이론과 실제 |
이정지 |
부산가톨릭대학 간호학과 조교수 |
Abstract |
Nursing has its object such as human being. Human have an innate need for positive change and growth. Especially, psychiatric nurse as experts in communication and relationship with patients have to plant warmth and meaning of life in through the interpersonal relationship of encounter, sharing, and caring. By doing so, nurses have to make patients be existed with a comfort and peace.
Psychiatric nursing has focused on the process of interpersonal relationship to maintain, improve, recover, and restore the mental health. This is very personal struggle to establish the relationship between nurse and patients. It is maintained and accomplished by a nurse, and called for techniques and means to establish this relationship effectively in short period.
The purpose of this descriptive study was to understand and applicate to nurses as an effective nursing intervention that Nursing—Logotherapy developed and tested by the proceding study “The effect of Nursing-Logotherapy on the self-esteem, purpose in life and finding meaning, and hope of the patients of mental illness*.
Nursing — Logotherapy based upon Travelbee’s five—step model of interpersonal relationship and includes three steps of Carkhuff and Gazda’s model-warmth, respect, empathy. In its 4th step of nursing activity, mainly activates Frankfs logo therapy and follows the solution — focused brief therapy of Kim-Berg. In its 5th final step, it includes the preparatory education to leave a hospital. |
Key Words:
nursing - logotherapy |