A Study of the Relationship Between Professional Self Concept and the Opinion, Attitudes Above the Specialization Regarding Korean Nurses |
Susie Kim1, Choon Hee Noh2, Young Sook Han3, Kum Hee Jeong4 |
1College of Nursing Science, Ewha Womans University 2Department of Nursing, Hallym University 3Department of Nursing, Dongnam Junior College 4Department of Nursing, Hallym University |
임상간호사의 전문직 자아개념 과 간호전문화에 대한 인식 및 태도와의 관계연구 |
김수지1, 노춘희2, 한영숙3, 정금희4 |
1이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 교수 2한림대학교 간호학과 조교수 3동남전문대학 시간강사 4한림대학교 간호학과 전임 강사 |
Abstract |
This study was conducted to find the level of Korean nurses’ professional self-concept and to validate the PSCNI tool. Also, we had a goal to understand the Korean nurses opinion and attitudes about nursing specialization.
The research subjects were 1200 clinical nurses in Korea, who attended the academic conference of KNC on nursing specialization from March to November 1995.
We used the tool of research developed from demographic items concerning opinions, attitudes on specialization and PSCNI (30iterns).
Research findings were as followes : (1) The credibility of PSCNI was very high(Cronbach’s alpha=0.933211). The results of validity test showed that professional self concept consisted of 4
factors: competence, satisfaction, confidence, empathy. These factors reflected 'caring’ as the core element of nursing. (2) The average item score of PSCNI was 3.02. This means that professionalism of Korean nurses has not yet been established. The high scoring items were U I don’t believe I am particularly empathic**, T think it is important to share emotions with patients 0 , “I feel more comfortable not getting too emotionally close to the people I work with”. This finding suggested the need to gain the skill of empathy in the clinical and educational setting. (3) The majority of subjects wanted to establish nursing specialization, which included 6
types of Medical-Surgical nursing, MaternityChild nursing, Psychiatric — Mental health nursing, Geriatric nursing, and Community nursing. These 6
types were presented by ICN. They think nursing specialization should be settled by the needs of clients first. (4) Resistered nurses should be called
w general nurse (GN) w , general nurses who complete
the training courses in Anesthetics, Psychiatric — Mental health, and Home Care for one year, then receive the certificates issued by the government, called “certified nurse(CN) W . Those certified nurses who complete the specialized master of nursing science program, which includes advanced nursing the ory courses, clinical experiences, and research methodology should be called “advanced practice nurse(APN)". (5) There is no clear difference be tween opinion and attitudes of the standards and criteria of training institution, training period, whether or not the certification test, test supervising institution certificates. (6) There is a significant deference between PSCNI and the opinion and attitudes on nursing specialization. The nurses who had positive PSCNI revealed high motivation to be a CN, or APN and had a specific plan.
In conclusion, to gain the professional self-con cept, nurses should be socialized continuously through role modeling in basic nursing education, clinical nursing and research. |