J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 3(1); 1994 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1994;3(1):5-14.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1994.3.1.5    Published online June 30, 1994.
Effects of Soberizing Group Seminar on the Self-actualization among Alcoholic Inpatients
Mi Hyoung Lee, Soo Yang, Sook Ja Yu
University of Catholic, College of Medicine, Department of Nursing
단주 집단훈련이 알콜중독 입원환자의 자아실현에 미치는 영향
이미형, 양 수, 유숙자
가톨릭대학교 의과대학 간호학과
This study was designed to examine the effects of a soberizing group seminar on the self—actualization among alcoholic inpatients. The soberizing group seminar (SGS) in this study intends to increase the level of self—actualization, and thus to encourage social adjustment after being discharged from a hospital. Forty inpatients under the diagnosis of alcoholics were selected from three private, mental hospitals between April and J une 1993. With an exception of one patient who was discharged after joining the SGS once, 23 corr또)rised the experimental group and the control group included 16 for parallel group design with pre—and post—test. The SGS was developed by modifying the human potential seminar for alcoholics. In each hospital, the SGS was applied 12 times during the 4 weeks of data collection to the experimental group only by a researcher and an assistant, who were trained for administering a group therapy. Self - actualization was measured by the Personal Orientation Inventory(POI) before and after holding each SGS, respectively. The data were analyzed by using paired t—test and Repeated Measures ANOVA. The results are following. 1. The experimental group showed a significant increase after treatment in all the item scores of the POI such as Time - Competence /Time - Incompetence (Tc /Ti), Inner—directed /Other—directed Support Scaled /O), Self—Actualizing Value (SAV), Existentiality(Ex), Feeling Reactivity(Fr), Spontaneity(S), Self—Regard (Sr), Self—acceptance(Sa), Nature of Man—Constructive(Nc), and Capacity for Intimate Contact(C). On the contrary, the control group revealed no significant difference in the item scores of the POI between the two tests. 2. With regard to the changes of the item scores of the POI, those scores for Tc /Ti, SAV, Ex, Sr, Sa, Nc and C were significantly higher in the experimental group than those in the control group. The above findings indicate that the soberizing group seminar was effective in increasing the level of self - actualization among alcoholic inpatients. Hence, the seminar can be adopted as a nursing intervention at the recovery stage of alcoholic patients. The seminar, in particular, can be a channel for nurses to contact with those patients frequently, to improve personal relations with them, and to plan follow-up care after discharge.


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