The Effects of Group Rational Emotive Therapy on the Self-Esteem of Nursing Students |
Hoang Lan Ahn, Hang Ja Pai |
Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Gyeongsang Natinal Univesity |
RET 집 단훈련이 간호대학생의 자아존중감
변화에 미치는 효과 |
안황란, 배행자 |
경상대학교 간호학과 |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study was to identify the ef fects of RET Group Training based on Ellis* theory on the change of self—esteem of nursing students.
The study is based on 144 RET program sessions conducted for two years. The participants were 77 senior nursing students who were on the clinical practice of psychiatric ward. Each group was composed of 6—8 nursing students and it took 90 minutes twelve times for three weeks. The program was consisted of instruction, student’s presentation of their homework, and modeling.
Data were collected from March, 1992 to December 1993 with 77 nursing students who were on the clinical practice of psychiatric ward in Gyeongsang University Hospital(Chinju city).
The 77 students were measured by using self-esteem scale before and after the training on the self-esteem of nursing students. The data were analyzed by an SPSS computerized program and included Paired t-test to examine the pre—post differences of the RET training.
As the result, Hypothesis, “self—esteem of nursing students will be enhanced after RET group trainging” was accepted (P<.001).
In conclusion, RET group training is efficient for improving the level of self-esteem of nursing students. |