A Study on the Correlation between Alienation and Physical. Mental Health in High School Students |
Sun Mi Kim1, Kang Oh Lee2 |
1Chunnam Tecknical Highschool 2University of Chosun, College of Medicine, Nursing of Department |
고등학생들의 소외와신체 • 정신 건강과의 관계 연구 |
김선미1, 이강오2 |
1전남공업고등학교 양호교사 2조선대학교 의과대학 간호학과 교수 |
Abstract |
This study was attempted to analyze the correlation between alienation and physical-mental health in the high school students. The subjects in this study were 504 students (humanities 252,vocational 252) selected from four high schools in Kwang-ju.
The data were collected from March 10 to 24, 1993, by questionnaire method.
Three instruments were used for this study :
For assessing alienation, alienation scale developed by Jun based on Dean, Maddi were administrated. The 6 subvariables of this scale were powerlessness, meaninglessness, normlessness, social isolation, cultural estrangement and self-estrangement. The reliablity of this instrument was Chronbach’s a~.9311O.
For assessing physical health, physical health scale revised by Yang based on Cornell Medical Index (CMI) was used.
For assessing mental health, mental health scale developed by Derogatis and translated by the Multidimensional Self-report Symptom Inventory of Kim based on Symptom Checklist—90—Revision (SCL—90—R) was used. The reliability of physical—mental health instrument was Chronbach’s a=.97379.
The data were analyzed by t - test, ANOVA and Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient.
The major findings of this study were as follows ;
1. Average alienation score of subjects was 226.75.
2. Average physical, mental health score of subjects was 165.46. Average physical health score of subjects was 31.52. Average mental health score of subjects was 133.94.
3. In the relationship between general characteristics of subjects and alienation, sex(t=2.
41, p=.016), humanities or vocational high school (F=-3.12, p=.002). economic state (F=.612, p=.
035) and conversation hours with parents (F=5.143, p=.000) were significant differences.
4. In the relationship between general characteristics of subjects and physical, mental health, conversation hours with parents (F=2.893, p=.022) was significant differences. In the relationship between general characteristics of subjects and physical health, humanities or vocational (t=2.350, p=.019), religion(t=2.020, p=.044),brotherhood order (F=3.028, p=.020) and conversation with hours parents (F=2.492, p=,042) were significant differences.
In the relationship between general characteristics of subjects and mental health, conversation hours with parents(F=2.607, p=.035) was significant difference. 5. The research hyphotheses were as follows ;
The first hypothesis, **There would be relationship between alienation and physical health" was supported. (r=.3274, p=.0) The second hypothesis, “There would be relationship between alienation and mental health" was supported. (r=.5036, p=.000) The third hypothesis, “There would be relationship between alienation and physical, mental health* was supported(r=.5255, p=.000). |