J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 3(2); 1994 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1994;3(2):80-97.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1994.3.2.80    Published online December 31, 1994.
A Study of Housewives , Self-esteem and Depression in Korean Urban
Suk Lee
A Doctoral Student at College of Nursing, Ewha Nursing Research Institute Womans University
일부 도시 주부의 자아존중감과 우울에 대한 연구
이 숙
이화여자대학교 간호학연구소
In Korea society, speadly economic growth, urbanization and industrialization were changed from traditional large family that was rooted in agricultural society to nuclear family. This change of family type was diminished women’s role in family with industrialization, and women especially the rate of married women’s participation in economic activities has increased year by year. These social changes brought on conflict to wives be remained in home. Especially these conflict revealed in clinic. Wives client have increased at Neuropsychiatric clinic. And this study forcused on self-esteem and depression of housewives and identified the relation ship of self-esteem and depression of housewives by state of working /non—working. The method used in thes study are questionaire method and the wubject of investigation were 143 married women living in Seoul. The instrument for thes study were Rosenberg’s Self-esteem Scale, Zung’s Self—Rating Depression Scale. Analysis of data was done by use of frequency, Mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient by SPSS /pct Findings are as follows : -1. House wives* self-esteem was degreeof middling (mean 29.10). Aspect dignity, respect of self is lower especially. Working married women was higher level of value(p=.003), ability(p=.000), positive attitude (p=.027) than non-working married women. 2. The factor which effect the degree of housewive*s Self-esteem were Age(p=.025), personality(p= .000),significant person (p=.001), Number of brother and sister (p=.003), nurturing attitude of parent (p=.001), relationship of marriage(p= .000). 3. Housewives’s depression was degree of normal (mena 44.65). But, depression was influenced by state of working /non-working. Non-working married women was higher level of crying spells (p=.018), indeciveness(p=.008), personal devaluation (p=. 000), suicidal rumination(p=.014) than working married women. Working married women was higher level of confusion than non-working marreid women. 4. The factor which effect the degree of housewives depression were age (p=. 028), personality (p=. 024), nurturing attitude of parent(p=.034), relationship of mother-in-law(p=. 001), conflict of husband’s personality (p=. 000), satisfaction of marriage(p=.000). 5. The relationship between self-esteem and depression was negativs. The lower level of self-esteem, the higher level of depression(r = .570, p=.000). In this study had not clarified the problem of wives in urban low-income class because of the subject of inbestigation was over middle class wives. But this study shall have evaluated that clarifying the content of housewives* self-esteem and depression through community mental health nursing.
Key Words: Housewife; self-esteem; depression


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