J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 2(1); 1993 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 1993;2(1):23-38.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.1993.2.1.23    Published online December 31, 1993.
A Study on the Relationship between Self- Actualization and Mental Health of Nursing Students
Mi Ran Um1, Yang Suk Ha2
간호대학생의 자아실현과 정신건강에 관한 연구
엄미란1, 하양숙2
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between self-actualization and mental health of nursing students. The result of the study in return will provide basic formation for educating excellent professional nurses or leaders. A convenient sample of 400 students was selected from three universities and three colleges located in Seoul and Kyungki-Do. The data were collected using a direct survey method from the 2nd of September to the 25th of September 1992. The instruments used for this study were the self-actualization test modified by Kim & Lee(1983) and the mental health test modified by Lee(1986). The collected data were analyzed with the descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, S.D., t-test. ANOVA and Pearson correlation using SPSS PC+. The results of this study were as follows : 1. The self-actualization of subjects 1) The self-actualization of subjects was moderate. The subjects showed higher scores in the areas of Time Competent, Self Actualizing Values, Self Acceptance and Nature of Man than the standardized normal groups (p<.01). 2) The satisfied groups with nursing as a major showed higher scores in the areas of Inner Directed(p<.05), Time Competent, Self Actualizing Values (p<.01) and Self Regard than the unsatisfied(p<.001). The satisfied groups with college life showed higher scores in the areas of Inner Directed(p<.05), Nature of Man(p〈.oi), Time Competent, Self Actualizing Values, Spotaneity and Self Regard(p<.001) than the unsatisfied ones. 3) The middle group in the siblings showed higher scores in Existentiality than the eldest and youngest (p<.01). The students without any religion showed higher scores in Existentiality(p<.05) and Nature of Man(p<01) than those who have a religion. But experience of failure on the college en trance examination did not make any signifi cant difference on the score of self-actualization. The junior and senior students showed higher scores in the areas of Inner Directed, Capacity(p<.05), Self Actualizing Values and Feeling Reactivity than the freshman and sophomore. 2. The mental health of subjects 1) Moderate mental health problems was found in the 0.5% of the total subjects. This subjects showed higher scores in the areas of Depression tnan the standardized normal groups(p<,001). 2) The satisfied groups with nursing as a major showed better mental health than other groups. Especially, there was a significant difference in areas of Obsessive - Compulsive, Hostility, Psychotism(p<.05), Interpersonal Sensitivity, Depression and Global Severity Index(p<.05). The satisfied groups with college life showed better mental health than any groups. 3) Birth rank and experience of failure on the college entrance examination did not make any significant difference on the scores of mental health assessment scale. The students without any religion showed higher scores in Depression than those who have a religion(p<.05). The junior and senior students showed bet ter mental health than the freshman and sophomore. 3. The relationship between self-actua lization and mental health of subjects 1) The relationship between the subfactors of self-actualization and the subfactors of mental health ranged between46 and .07. 2) The relationship of Self Regard and Glo bal Severity Index was the highest of all the subfactors. The relationship of Self Regard and Interpersonal Sensitivity showed second highest of all subfactors. In summary, self-actualization and mental health depend on satisfaction with nursing as a major and college life, and grade. There was a positive correlation between self-actualization and mental health. Therefore, the eficient management at life guidance program would be required to improve satisfaction with nursing as a major and college life from educational viewpoint.
Key Words: Actualization; Mental Health


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