This study designed to identify the stressors and coping methods of Patienfs family during the psychiatric treatment.
123 psychiatric patienfs family were selected from family who have th patients in psychiatric ward, and out-patient depart ment of psychiatry at 8 university hospital in Seoul.
Stressor was measured by Stressor Measurement Scale which developed through the unstructured open questionaires and reliability tested by researcher (Cronbach’s a=.96) Coping methods werer measured by Jalowiec's Scale.
Data were collected from Feb. 19 to Mar.
10. 1992.
The data were analyzed by frequency (percentile score), t-test, F-test, pearson correlation coefficient, and varimax rotation.
The result of this study were as follows ;
1. The stressors and degree of stress of patienfs family during the psychiatric treatment were as follows :
(1) The stressors of the family were classified into 7 factors according to Factor Analysis : occurance of symptoms and relapse, shame of family and future of patient, financial problem and responsibility cf family, side effects of medicine and knowledge deficit of disease, isolation patient and threatening of safety, therapist’s attitude, and separation from family.
(2) The degree of stress of patient’s family had the range from 1.44 to 3.56, and total mean was perceived by 2.31.
(3) The degree of stress of patienfs family according to the general characteristics of the subject itself and the patiert has the significant difference when it comes to the relation with the patient, hospitalized experiece, and diagnosis cf the parient(P< .05).
Also, the degree of the family's stre that is related to stress factors according to the general characteristics of the subject itself had significant difference partially with each factor ; age, education, domestic economic status, relation |