J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs Search


J Korean Acad Psychiatr Ment Health Nurs > Volume 13(2); 2004 > Article
Journal of Korean Academy of psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 2004;13(2):125-134.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.12934/jkpmhn.2004.13.2.125    Published online June 30, 2004.
Effect of Guided Imagery Program on Patients Depression and Anxiety Receiving Cancer Chemotherapy
Gyung Hee Lee, Eun Hee Oh
Professor, Department of Nursing, Keimyung University, 2) Master of Nursing, the Keimyung University Graduate School of Korea
Correspondence:  Eun Hee Oh, Tel: +82-54-245-5513, 
Email: miin-oh@hanmail.net
Received: 3 May 2004   • Accepted: 10 June 2004
The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of guided imagery program on decreasing depression and anxiety level in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The subjects for this study were admitted to the general cancer unit receiving chemotherapy at S Hospital in P City. The experiment was devised with a nonequivalent control group using pretest- posttest design. Data were analyzed by x2 - test, t-test, ANCOVA, Repeated Measures ANOVA, with SPSS/Win 11.0 program. The results were as follows: The First hypothesis, Which was that the depression level in the experimental group, who received the guided imagery program, would be less than the control group who did not receive the guided imagery program, was supported(F=57.55, p=.000). The Second hypothesis, Which was that the anxiety level in the experimental group, who received the guided imagery program, would be not less than the control group who did not receive the guided imagery program, was not supported(F=3.06, p=.091). but, time & group, would be less than the control group who did not receive the guided imagery program was supported(F=37.45, p=.000). The conclusion, thus verify that the guided imagery program provided to cancer patients receiving cancer therapy was an effective method in decreasing their depression and anxiety, which might be used as a valuable intervention in nursing care when applied to cancer patients for the emotional and psychological problems experiencing during their therapies.
Key Words: Guided Imagery Program; Cancer Chemotherapy; Depression; Anxiety


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