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- Self-checklist

Please check before submission with as ✓ mark.
- ▢ Manuscript is original, not duplicate and follows the Research and Publication Ethics described in the Instructions to Authors.
- ▢ If manuscript is from a master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, the first author is the recipient of the degree.
Cover page
- ▢ Title
- ▢ Type of manuscript: Quantitative or qualitative research, concept analysis, Q-methodology, review, etc.
- ▢ Author: Names, affiliations, and titles of all authors
- ▢ Corresponding author: Name, affiliation, zip code, telephone, fax and email address
- ▢ Number of keywords
- ▢ Disclosure of whether manuscript is from master’s thesis or doctoral dissertation, any conflicts of interest or duplicate publication, and funding source
Manuscript preparation
- ▢ A4, 10 point
- ▢ Line space 200%
- ▢ Page numbering at the lower central portion
- ▢ Amount of main text including tables and figures does not exceed 20 pages
- ▢ Author information is removed
English abstract
- ▢ 200 words or less
- ▢ Subheadings of Purpose, Methods, Results, and Conclusion
- ▢ Key words: Five words or less from MeSH terms
- ▢ Conclusion is described briefly in relation to the purpose of the study
- ▢ Conclusion does not duplicate the methods or results
- ▢ The total number of references is less than 30
- ▢ Doctoral dissertations and master’s thesis are better not cited as references
- ▢ Full journal title is presented
- ▢ If present, DOI is described
- ▢ Instructions to authors are followed
Table and figures
- ▢ Instructions to authors are followed
- ▢ Values match those present in main text
- ▢ Abbreviations are noted under each table