The Effect of the Horticultural Activities Program on Loneliness and Life Satisfaction of the Disabled Female. |
Hae Jung Lee, Yun Ju Ha |
1Graduate School, Health Sciences, Chosun University, Korea. 2Chosun Nursing College, Korea. |
Abstract |
PURPOSE The research was done to investigate the effect of a horticultural activities program on loneliness and life satisfaction of women who have a disability. METHODS: Participants were 50 disabled women from a welfare center of G district of G city. Data were collected from August 18 to October 20, 2010. The program was provided for 8 weeks. The tool for life satisfaction was Choi's scale (1986) and loneliness was measured with the UCLA Loneliness Scale developed by Russell and translated by Kim & Kim (1989). Data were analyzed using frequency, t-test, and paired t-test with SPSS/WIN 16.0. RESULTS: As a result of the horticultural activities program, the first hypothesis was supported by significantly decreasing of loneliness in the experimental group than in the control one (t=-3.27, p =.002). The second hypothesis was verified by testing variable which was life satisfaction (t=3.39, p =.001). CONCLUSION: The results of the study indicate that this kind of program is effective in decreasing loneliness of women with a disability and in improving their life satisfaction. Horticultural activities programs can be unique interventions leading to a satisfactory life for disabled women. |
Key Words:
Loneliness; Life satisfaction; Female; Disabled |